In the 90's my fading begun. It had a great impact on me, and took a lot of energy. Later on it gave me a much better life, also for my wife and children. We are free from the brainwash now!
How did it start?
It all came together those years:
- 1995 generation change
- alternative service
- Weird Daniel prophecy books with unproven facts and a mix of history events that looked like the writers used a lot of liquids during the writing process
- Aid Afrique, the France JW organisation, working together with UNHCR
- JW protest march in France (had to be off the radar)
- Watchtower advert in NY Times protesting against France tax laws
- Blood fractions allowed
- European JW and Watchtower working with OCSE
- Watchtower working with UN (and support article in Awake)
- Book Mankind in search of God went under the bus
- Watchtower funding “neutral” movies and books about JW
- JW media, James Pellechia, Jolene Chu and Johan Wrobel working together and research (great job!) with historician and university, and formal doctrine condemned higher education, CO did hate speech against UN, University, historicians.
- Detlef Garbe's history book about jw's in Germany during the war, that gave so much insight (and different from jw view)
- The Awake magazine about Paul Balzereit wrongly gets the blame in 1975 yearbook
- JW publising and print ‘neutral’ publication about children rights
All above and much more researched by me and proved correct.
And knowing this, hearing CO and Bethel officials at conventions and assembly’s condemn the world, the university’s and research.
It all started in 1995 for me, and I know because of all the research, it was the only right step to leave, for me and my wife and children.
After 4 generations JW it was enough. We moved to another city and never came back.
Johan Wrobel wrote on his website he left Selters “because it was time to do other things”. That’s the way I see it now, it was, after 4th generations, time to do other things.
Did you had the same proces?