Great question to ask your pimi's. If we truly are in final minutes of the last days before the great tribulation. With most everyone home, Why is the org. Sitting idle? Instead of spending 100's of millions on their upcoming projects. Why are they not throwing everything they got reaching people at this critical point in history? Namely direct mail, and tv, radio etc. ??!!!
The organization is missing out on a golden opportunity to reach people with the "good news"
by nowwhat? 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Room 215
Because however much lip-service they give to reaching the "rightly disposed" among the general public, they're much more intent on holding onto -- or not losing -- their current captives. -
Well they are writing generic doom and gloom letters to addresses culled from a town directory, and throwing in a card about the website, and a piece of litterature about how the deaths of billions at Armageddon will solve all the worlds problems. At least that cheap paper can be used for wiping ones butt after morning duty, and thrown away.
Half banana
What is the most important thing in the JW org? It most certainly is not the welfare of the flock.
The governing body's two imperatives are to retain total control over their members and to prevent them from leaving.
The survival of the governing body depends on milking bad news and cranking out the rhetoric.... It has nothing to do with truth. It is the time honoured mechanism within the JW cult to prevent the sheep from original thoughts and straying outside of the compound.
Pete Zahut
Further proof that the urgency of the message and the arrival of the new system being dependent upon it being spread throughout the earth, was never their real motive.
Religion, including jw's, has never been about "saving" souls. It's about power and self preservation. In the case of the wt it was about literature sales. Now it's about real estate holdings.
Maybe among the rank and file, saving souls was important but not too much as one climbs higher up the ladder!
just saying!