As most of us on this site have experienced firsthand when we were in, there is a lack of love in the majority of congregations.
I was talking to a PIMI person recently who said that love was the identifying mark of true Christians (in their opinion the JW organisation) and that is why the Watchtowers they study continually tell them to show love to one another.
I said that if their love was genuinely practiced they wouldn't need to be TOLD to show it because it would arise from their heart and soul and be evident in believers which is what Jesus was actually saying.
Recognising the needs of the community with rising food prices some local churches where I live were moved to start food banks and offer free meals to families on the breadline. To me that is spontaneously shown and is genuine love in action.
Needless to say the PIMI disagreed with me. But I know which one I would be attracted towards, a group of people who are moved from pity to help others regardless of whether those people agree with that group's beliefs or not; over a group of people who have to be told what love is meant to be and who even then won't lift a finger to give assistance unless the needy person commits to studying a book.