Is it just me, or does it seem like is returning to some very old methods from Rutherford's era?
- Their carts / booths is very reminiscent of the sandwich board system, including the fact that they no longer personally engage
- Showing videos via the tablet / smartphone is almost exactly like the phonograph method they used
- Showing videos at conventions makes the convention much more like when they only had one major convention, such as the Cedar Point Ohio amusement park convention that everybody had to travel to
Assuming this is true, and the current GB is trying to copy things that seemed to work way back when, I wonder what other changes are in store?
It already seems like they're working toward moving back to a MUCH smaller bethel family, perhaps even eventually closing all branches and working from Warwick alone at some point.
Do you think they'll go back to some other old school methods? For example, they could eliminate elder bodies again, and return to the "congregation servant" model that Rutherford instituted, because it's much easier to control one or two people instead of 6 or 8 or more per congregation. Just choose a "company man", such as the current COBE of an infamous US congregation famous for it's issue with apostasy in the 80's, who knows TTATT but stays loyal to the org anyway, who will do exactly what the org tells him to.
What do you think?