I was able to sign out thanks. Not that knowledgeable about computers can you tell? I have used a username that I'm nervous my husband might recognize if he were to find this site. It's very similar to one I've used elsewhere. Can I open a new account? I realize the old stuff would still be here but it would fade into the background, right? I'm becoming paranoid - not a good sneak. I've been too transparent I guess.
New identity
by thereishope 6 Replies latest forum tech-support
Yes, you can create a new account. Just sign out and go for it. The old stuff will remain on the site, but, as you say, it will fade away. Your husband will probably not find it, even if he were to find the site itself.
Also, I presume you are a Jehovah's Witness who has recently stopped believing in the organisation, but you fear of telling this to your husband who is still an active Jehovah's Witness? If so, I realize this is a hard situation for you. I hope things will get better so that you wouldn't have to be "paranoid" about it.
Anders Andersen
Most internet browsers have a private mode, to make sure your browsing history is not visible.
To activate this mode
- in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, use CTRL-SHIFT-P
- in Chrome, use CTRL-SHIFT-N
Don't forget to disactivate this mode after using the browser. That would be a problem for you and your husband―unless, of course, this is not your husband's field.
That's strange because that would be my only real complaint about this site; I can't log off.
My wife is much more knowledgeable than I am about technical stuff and I wouldn't want her browsing "Stillin's" posts!
Anders Andersen
There is a sign out button in the top menu? Haven't tried it but I guess it works?
If you pm Simon he should be able to change your username