I have just reading a great book by Sylvia Brown, The Other side and Back, and I found a very interesting quote I wanted to share with all of you.The quote best describes the jehovahs witnesses and the abuse i suffered.
Sylvia brown says
"cults and abusive relationships have a lot in common. They thrive in isolation and secrecy, which promote control and dependency and systematically eliminate alternative places for the cult member/abused to turn. Both cults and abusive relationships require absolute obedience to a selfproclamed god who makes all the rules, regardless of fairness or logic or the overall welfare of the group. They are not and never will be a democracy, because if equality exisits the whole structure of the cult/abusive relationship falls apart. In order to maintain the illusion of superiority, the cult leader/abuser has to contantly reinforce the inferiority of the cult member/abused and the perpetual threat of dire punishment for questioning the self proclaimed god's authority. Everything would be fine if they'd just stay quietly and obediently submissive. The point comes when the cult member/ abused has been programmed to associate submission with survival. "
So true and I love this book! Victoria