Bowman -vs- Stafford Debate

by Alf3831 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alf3831

    Dont know of this has been mentioned here before. Robert Bowman and Greg Stafford are scheduled to debate on May 2, 2003 in La Mirada, Ca. Details are at www.apologetics .com. The topic to be discussed is "Is Jesus God?, Examining the Biblical Evidence." Check out the site if interested...seating is limited.


  • DFWnonJW

    I wonder if this might be the same Alf that used to drop in to a certain AOL Xjw room now and again. My, my. <breaks into song> ...It's a small board after all... ah yes, the memories.

  • setfreefinally

    Hello Alf,

    I wonder if you might be the Alf I talked to on Pal Talk a few times. I really enjoyed your insight and help you gave me on a few different subjects.

  • WildHorses

    DFW, he is one in the same. A bit softer then before, but I like that about him.

    BTW, who were you in the AOL chat rooms? I was Luv2Shari.

    Setfree, same one. I haven't been on paltalk in ages. Do they still have the exjw chat room there?

  • DFWnonJW

    hi wildhorses. I remember chatting with you there too Luv. As for me, well, I was called Chinhair in my past 'life'. hehe I'm sure I'm remembered (if at all) for my name and sensless humor rather than any insight proffered. Hey, we all got a part to play right?

  • WildHorses

    Ahhhhhh((((((((((((((((((((((Chinhair)))))))))))))))))))))))) I remember you well. Small world isn't it? I still chat with life value now and again in im. I lost contact with most of the others, but a few still hang out on paltalk. I need to log on there now and again. I miss everyone.

  • DFWnonJW

    (((Wildhorses))) Yep, it is a small world and I guess eventually all of "us" drift in and out of the same apostaspots. I've often thought of Life and wondered how she's doing. I was one scared puppy when I first went into her chatroom and it was a big step for me that turned out to be a big help. I enjoyed my time there but there comes a time to move on (mine was AOL raising prices again). It's good to run into familiar names here and I'm glad you inquired as to my identity :) When you chat with Life again please tell her Chinhair said hello.

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