I have a friend that works at a local carpet store in mio. mich. I have been telling him the history of the dubbers. He was shocked to know the truth. about a month ago he gets this 19 year old borg girl and daddy coming in to the store to panhandle towers and asleeps. so he takes it and tells me that he thought it would make them go away. not so I say. Its like feeding rats they will set up camp and live there. He says then I will tell them to get screwed. That does not work either. They will wearer your cursing like a badge of honor. He asks me what to do. so I tell him next time they come in you politely ask, Why are the dubbers the only people in the world that put the destruction of Jerusalem at 607 in stead of 586/587 as all of the historians do. and why would you be disfellowshiped for teaching any thing c.t. Russell taught if he was gods chosen when Christ came to earth in 1914 and saw that he was the only one teaching the truth., At that moment they turned and walked out and said they had an appointment that they were late for and would stop back later. My buddy told me that he was amazed at how fast they bolted for the door. I myself did the same thing wile I was waiting for a doctors apt. in a parking lot of a strip mall in Petoskey. I saw a couple of kids pull in looking for victims, they came over to me and asked if I wanted to live on paradise earth forever. and I said yes but not with you. just kidding. I gave them the same questions that I told my buddy to . and they abruptly turned and said that they needed to get to the hall for a meeting. and that I should stop by and ask my questions to an elder. I told them that that would not be necessary as all dubbers run when I ask questions of this caliber. Its fun to watch them squirm. this is the image that i was trying to down load on the other post hope it comes through. its the truth book showing the generation meaning.
a little knowledge
by kilroy2 2 Replies latest jw experiences
Kilroy, I enjoyed reading your thread. I believe that the JW's will only pick up on a certain "type" of individual because there is safety in that behavior. (a person who is really depressed, needy, or someone disallustioned with religion--someone that will listen, take their literature, and not have a difference of opinion that they can't reason around would be easier to manipulate, just as they are.) They can't deal with a person who is knowledgeable and aware of what they are essentially trying to do, so they hurry away. I remember what I was told so many years ago when in service: "These are people that have already chosen their course to destruction. Don't waste your valuable time getting into discussions with them, as they are serving the devil, and will only draw you away."
What it really means is that if they engage themselves in a conversation that is in anyway different than what they are being taught by the borg, they would see that they are the ones being led astray by a cult-like organization. So, they remove themselves quickly from that situation and move on to another, more plyable human. This is what they've been taught to do and for most of them, it's easier being a robot. Most all of them do not think for themselves, even though they might be curious. (Only a few have the strength and fortitude to think beyond the borg.) This is how cults survive and grow and so the borg demands absolute control, and that control gives them power.
Thank goodness we are among those who have been able to get out!
Amen to Sentenial!!!!