recently disasociated after 27 years - 12 disfellowshipped) having read Ray Franz and others
Now know some of the truth about the 'truth' Still struggling to comprehend
But have lost my exquisite female friend in the turmoil (she seems to have always been very similar to born again christians (hysterically emotional and no bible study) - also now into spiritualism and is now showing it) and I need meaningful Bible discussion (with her) not anger and recrimination or pseudo intelectuallity - just people
I'm 70 next year - there IS not too much time left
Please help and send this message to kasa_keith@hotmaill .com for me
So sorry for your situation. It's great to be free, but then, it's lonely, too, no?
I had a great need to look at the Bible anew when I first DA'd myself (two years ago in a couple of days ). I, too, wanted to share new insights with my loved ones as I discovered that the Bible didn't actually say what the JWs say it says. But you know what? They were too burnt out from listening to JWspeak to actually want to listen to more Bible talk. It was very difficult and my feelings got hurt when they wouldn't listen...
I'm sure finding out the "truth" never was "truth" was a disappointment and Ray Franz' book puts the Governing Body in a shocking light, doesn't it? But I'm not sure from your post whether your "exquisite friend" is a JW or a Christian or neither of the two. Is she just upset with you because she always knew you were 'wrong' and now that you admit it is no longer interested in anything spiritual you may have to offer? Or does she hold her own strong beliefs and is comfortable with them and doesn't want to hear anything that might upset them? (That is Dub-thought, but other fundamentalists think the same way -- comfortable in their worship, don't ask them to examine their religion, though.) If that's the case, you may have to agree to disagree and perhaps attend a Men's Bible Study group at a local Christian church so you can air your new thoughts to an appreciative audience.