Pinky ring, no please not there.

by pleaseresearch 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pleaseresearch

    Ok brothers and sisters, we need to use our imagination, and you might just question mine at the end of this haha.

    But how would you feel, seeing a Governing Body member at the same holiday resort you and your family have just checked into? You think this might be great to ask him questions and so approach him as he's lying on his back, sprawled on his beach towel. As you get closer you look at his swollen, bloated feet and think what rich, creamy, buttery foods is he eating at Bethel. But then you see it. On his little toe, shining in the glorious sunshine, the most beautiful pinky ring you have ever seen.

    When you see it, you retreat thinking to yourself, how sick must he be to do that to himself. He gets up and walks into the ocean for a swim. After 5 minutes he comes out and to everyone's surprise he's had a wardrobe malfunction. Hes' super tight green mankini hasn't done it's job, and his wrinkly, shriveled, weapon of ass destruction is on show. You notice to your shock, yet another diamond encrusted pinky ring on his gash mallet.

    How would you react?

  • Darkknight757

    Are all the Governing Body members there on holiday or just the one you mentioned?

    If they are all there or even just a few I'm thinking Human Centipede.

    If its just one then maybe take pics, hack and post the pics as the cover photo.

  • oppostate
    If its just one then maybe take pics, hack and post the pics as the cover photo.

    Loyalist pub's will just say it was photoshopped.

  • sir82


  • stillin
    I can imagine that. And more.
  • tiki
    Sick.......I just didn't need that visual first thing in the morning.....
  • Diogenesister

    LOL! Thanks for putting that charming visualization in my time my therapist is doing some guided imagery, guess where my head will be at?!!

    PS what's a gash mullet? A type of hairstyle for your front bottom?

  • pleaseresearch
    A gash mullet is another name that could be used instead of a meat popsicle.

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