Again from the Shepard the flock book, this is about dealing with child abuse, it gives the elders points to think about and discuss when deciding on child abuse cases...
"(5) What is the
level of his spirituality? (6) Do all the elders on the
body believe that he can be trusted with children? The following questions should be answered with re-
gard to the accuser: (1) What is the level of maturity
of the child or youth? (2) Is he (or she) describing
conduct that one his age would not normally know
about? (3) Is the child or his parents known to be se-
rious, mature? (4) Is his memory consistent, or is it
intermittent, or does it involve repressed memories?
(w95 11/1 pp. 25-26) (5) What is the reputation of
the parents? (6) Are they spiritually and emotionally
What does the "spirituality" of a child have to do with whether they can be believed? What does their "maturity" or "seriousness " have to do with anything? What does the reputation or spiritually of the parents have any bearing on what happened to the child??
This basically means that a young child from a family not in favour with the elders would not be be lived. And an abuser who is in favour with the elders would be believed!