"fear and with much trembling"

by Truth and Justice 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    I remember a long time ago, about 40 years ago, when my father said to me "things changed when the elder arrangement came in to focus." His view was that the Elder arrangement was providing such a power and that sometimes it was abused. My father was not opposed to the fact of their being elders, because the scriptures talk about the use of elders/shepherds helping the flock so to speak. Just sometimes the power given to someone was very much abused.

    There was a time when all there was in the congregation was a Presiding Overseer, and he basically ran the show, and along with that, of course, you had a Literature servant, and a few others which I don't remember. But the point of this, is the Presiding Overseer ran things. Ray Franz quote from his book "Crisis of Conscience" page 26 says the following: Each congregation was under the supervision of a single individual, a "congregation servant" or "congregation overseer." The term "overseer" applied only to him and any others were viewed as his assistants. The scriptural arrangement of bodies of elders had been summarily ended in 1932 by Judge Rutherford due to a lack of cooperation on the part of some elders with the society's programs and policies. END OF QUOTE.

    But as most things in the organization, there are so many changes, and changes were made in the issuance of elders many years later. In all the years that I was in the organization, I only knew of 2 brothers that I truly viewed as brothers, because they fit the exact scriptures of what the apostle Paul said concerning what Shepherds should be. I want to tell you who they are, but I want to protect their identities. All I can say is they're from the upper Midwest, in the late 1970's, and there age is probably in their early 80's.

    Now, in regards to the title of my Topic, there are many elders who have the most pompous, arrogant, self-assuming attitude lacking all humility. There is a small handful out there that represent the trueness of an elder, and that group is about 2% in my opinion, its the 98% I am talking about. When the apostle Paul says in 1Cor 2: 2-4, He says "And I came to you in weakness and in fear and with much trembling; and my speech and what I preached were not with persuasive words of wisdom but with a demonstration of spirit and power, that your faith might be, not in men's wisdom, but in God's power."

    Now, I never saw an elder at an assembly or any other function come up on the platform like there shaking and nervous and trembling. Nope, in fact, while they are getting introduced, as an example, you would hear it said: "Brothers, our next speaker is Brother Powerful, brother Powerful has been an elder in XO congregation, a CO for 20years in the "Loco" circuit, and has served as a governing body assistant and has done missionary work in the countries of Wasu, Rasu, and Lapasu. (This might go on for 4-5 minutes) So, let's give our attention to brother Powerful. Well, he walks up the stairs of the podium like he's 3rd in line from Christ, like he's the most important person in the room. Now some of you think I'm exaggerating. Nope, that's what I had witnessed when I was going to the conventions. I sat in my seat telling myself, I'm just Brother Pe-on in my congregation and I don't have a title, I'm just an average Publisher, I barely get 10 hours a month.

    And yet the apostle Paul said that he "came in weakness and in fear and with much trembling," I think the only resume we care about is Christ's. Paul spoke of the need for the brothers to be unified and spoke against class distinction, and to be as one with Christ. Whether you're a sister or brother, elder or ministerial servant, one of older age, or one who is just a caring individual, we all have the same reward and its what's in our heart that matters. Before I got out of the organization, I felt more comfortable having a beer with just an average Pe-on. In fact, I'm glad that was all I was just a Pe-on.

    Happy Trails to all - Enjoy the day.

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  • DesirousOfChange
    the apostle Paul said that he "came in weakness and in fear and with much trembling,"

    I suspect that was false modesty or self deprecation since Paul didn't seem to mind changing the whole spin of Christianity so that he is often referred to as the "first apostate". The Bible books penned by Paul are nothing like the Christianity of Jesus Christ.

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  • Balaamsass2

    Jesus said, "By their fruits, you shall know them". Half the elders I have known or served with have displayed rotten fruit.

    Many had never even read the entire Bible once. Many never bothered to read their "flock" book. Humility and kindness were rare even on the governing body—food for thought.

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