Yes. We are a different generation than those of times past who are used to casualties of war. We are spoiled with an inundation of technological advances in the last 25 years to the point where, in general, we expect surgical warfare and are shocked when things like a bomb being dropped near a wedding happens. I wonder how the nation's view on this war would have been affected if the majority of people had lived through a modern war. Wars are not surgical, they are messy and bloody and lots of people die physically and emotionally that don't deserve to die. I hope it ends quickly.
Is the average U.S. Citizen's view of civilian war casualties sanitized?
by amac 1 Replies latest social current
In this circumstance I don't see so much as a war as a massacre. I think the arabs made a point when they compared this to the crusades of the dark ages when the so called christian run countries tried to force their will on people in the middle east . The roles are changing in that Saddam was considered the biggest threat to peace in the middle east and now the US led militia are .