Ah yes, and along with it, the anticipation of all the yard and lawn work. Still, I did more shoveling of snow this Winter than in years, so I think it's probably an even exchange in exercise.
I love this time of year!!! Our very own personal mockingbird has taken its annual stance on top of our chimney and is singing fit to bust every morning and evening. The beautiful melody reverberates down our chimney and throughout the house. I love it!
The weeds are blooming beautifully -- *sigh* -- but we're working on it. The sprinkler system developed a demon and started coming on in sections all by itself, even when the control was set on "off." Turned out lightning hit it at some point and fried a few vital parts (sorry, no demon). Sears is having a sale on lawn furniture and this year I AM GOING TO GET A PATIO SET. I love to eat outdoors during the rare few days out of the year in Dallas that it's neither too hot nor too cold, and we haven't been able to do that properly since our first house, when we had a super-fantastic deck.
The dogs discovered that the neighbor's dog stupidly buries his bones right near the fence and Ladybug found a way to dig from our side of the fence and swipe them -- one for her and one for Dexter. Hopefully they won't make that hole any bigger -- I don't need a third dog.
Just so you know....I haven't forgotten about all you easterners....now that I'm on the W-E-S-T Coast!!!! hehehe!!! I love the springtime...especially when the grass is greeeeeeen and the cherry blossoms are out and there are flowers blooming everywhere!!! Ahhhhh...life is sooooo dang gooooooood!!!!
The dogs discovered that the neighbor's dog stupidly buries his bones right near the fence and Ladybug found a way to dig from our side of the fence and swipe them -- one for her and one for Dexter. Hopefully they won't make that hole any bigger -- I don't need a third dog.
LMAO at Nina !!! I got a real good visual of that !!!