An illustration of obeying the Governing Body when it makes no sense from a human perspective.
by BourneIdentity 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The reason why is because of their established and acquired power which "They" intentionally and purposefully built up around themselves.
They (GB) established that power by saying "they are god's chosen channel for all mankind" .
Easy thing to do really in a country that supports freedom of religion, freedom and liberty for all, oh yes !
The prevailing consequences to that created a human folly for humanity.
It follows an insight I came to recently- one that I think I'm probably very late to figure out since my leaving the religion. WT claims that Jesus is the leader of the Christian Congregation, but that can't be true because the Governing Body has the absolute authority to interpret Jesus' words (and in fact, the Bible as a whole).
To a Jehovah's Witness, what Jesus' words mean, and what the Governing Body says Jesus' words mean, are one and the same. This gives the Governing Body authority OVER Jesus. It doesn't matter what Jesus says, all that matters is what the Governing Body insists he meant.
Of course, this leads to the absurd proposition that one could be considered an apostate for believing teaching what Jesus "really" meant before the Governing Body finally catches up with you. Somehow, they aren't apostates for teaching the wrong thing, but you are an apostate for teaching the right thing.
I had that very experience of teaching the " right thing", and yet being haughtily told that " the Org does not teach that" as though I should shut up.
I was mercifully, and much to my amusement, proved correct when the Org in one of its many U turns, published my point of view in the very next book that came out ! ( the details of this matter are boring, so won't spell them out).
The one I never got an answer to was the one where I pointed out that Jesus own words were contradictory, completely, in another area than the above, and of course the Elder just stuck to the Org's line, even showing me what a Public Talk Outline said on it, rather than the Bible ! but as I said, "You can't have it both ways ". Either one statement was right, or the other was. Of course, the Gospels contain a number of totally contradictory things, I didn't know that at the time , I was a callow youth, but still took on the Elders !
God's channel of communication, God's sole spokesman on earth, the Faithful Slave, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, define doctrine because they are the only ones commissioned to interpret the Bible for mankind and were given that exclusive ability by Jesus Christ in 1919; they are not inspired, but they must be believed and followed for salvation .. .Although they take the lead, Jehovah's Witnesses have no leader or leaders except Michael the Archangel.