Apheresis Blood Donation Acceptable for Witnesses?

by Jourles 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Jourles

    Apheresis blood donation is a process where whole blood is removed from one arm, centrifuged - removing particular components such as plasma, platelets and white blood cells, and then the remaining blood is returned to the donor usually through the other arm. A continuous circuit.

    The Society's current stance on autologous and allogenic blood donation is this:


    w00 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Hence, we do not donate blood, nor do we store for transfusion our blood that should be ‘poured out.’ That practice conflicts with God’s law.

    In the same article, it states further:


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    For example, during certain surgical procedures, some blood may be diverted from the body in a process called hemodilution. The blood remaining in the patient is diluted. Later, his blood in the external circuit is directed back into him, thus bringing his blood count closer to normal. Similarly, blood that flows into a wound may be captured and filtered so that the red cells can be returned to the patient; this is called cell salvage. In a different process, blood may be directed to a machine that temporarily carries on a function normally handled by body organs (for example, the heart, lungs, or kidneys). The blood from the machine is then returned to the patient. In other procedures, blood is diverted to a separator (centrifuge) so that damaging or defective portions of it can be eliminated. Or the goal may be to isolate some of a blood component and apply that elsewhere on the body. There are also tests in which a quantity of blood is withdrawn in order to tag it or to mix it with medicine, whereupon it is put back into the patient.

    From this article we can establish a few facts. First, the Society prohibits whole blood donations. Granted, the article does not specifically mention whole blood, but taken in context, that is what it is referring to. Secondly, it is acceptable for a witness to allow hemodilution which is the process of blood leaving the body and returning to it in a continuous circuit. Did you notice closely where the above paragraph said, "blood that flows into a wound may be captured and filtered so that the red cells can be returned to the patient?" Is there a reason for mentioning red cells and not just blood? And thirdly, it is also acceptable for a witness to allow their blood to be centrifuged down to a component which can be injected or applied "elsewhere on the body." The only way to apply a particular blood component elsewhere on the body is through injection. To be able to accomplish this, the blood component must be removed from the body while not being part of the continuous circuit anymore.

    The question remains, is it acceptable for witnesses to donate blood components through the process of apheresis? According to the reasoning of the Watchtower article shown above, it is. Why? We have already established that a witness can have his blood leave his body and then return back through a continuous circuit. Apheresis donation is almost identical in this process. Whole blood leaves your body and then returns, minus a component or two, in a continuous circuit. Apheresis donation extracts through centrifuge a component of your whole blood for use in a transfusion to another patient. The Society says that you can isolate a blood component via centrifuge and use it elsewhere on your body, outside of the continuous circuit. This blood component does not need to be discarded or 'poured out.' The Society even further expands on this by saying that you may have your blood withdrawn, "tag it or mix it with medicine," and then retransfuse it back into yourself.

    So can a witness donate through apheresis? According to my conscience and with the help of the Society's medically accurate publications, I should be able to.

    Like the Society can tell me what to do anyways...






    Hey Jourles, great post.

    I have been periodically, reading tons of stuff related to blood. Being post-JW, I am all that more keen on researching things from a true Medical point-of-view.

    In retrospect, I think...'was the WTBTS rife with surgeons and medical doctors?' - I think not.

    Also, those old scriptural laws regarding blood, surely....( HELL !) were about the eating of it, or improper slaughter of animals used for food, not matters pertaining to surgery.

    Don't recall anyone performing transfusions and the like in the bible, do you? Of course not.

    Interesting points presented Jourles. I always enjoy reading posts such as these. Keep'm coming.

  • Jourles


    Being post-JW, I am all that more keen on researching things from a true Medical point-of-view.

    That is what is great about being a non-jw. You have the luxury of being able to choose your own medical treatment without the fear of being automatically da'd or df'd and then shunned by your family and friends. For those of us who are still 'in,' we have to live with the consequences of making the right decision to sustain our life and then facing the potential shunning aspect that may come afterwards.

    Blood is the one topic that I prefer to focus my time researching. 607 v. 587, date setting for armageddon, generation change, UN coverup, etc. do not compare, in my opinion, to the lethal aspect of the current blood doctrine. These other topics are important to discuss, but in the end, the Society has an excuse for each one, excuses that many witnesses swallow easily. There are several areas of the blood doctrine that they do not dare talk about or answer. Have you ever read in the publications about donating blood vs. accepting donated blood? How about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome vs. the natural movement of blood protiens from the mother to her fetus? What constitutes a major blood component and how does that compare to a minor one? Is it the percentage of the total blood volume? If it is based on percentage of volume, why is one particular blood fraction allowed but a smaller blood component is not? And now we have apheresis blood donation. Is it or is it not acceptable for a witness to use this procedure? It may be time for a letter to the Society.

  • archangel01

    The wts is fallen down waaaaay down, and this just puts the icing on the cake. They are cluelist to what the bible is really saying on blood or anything else. That shows the Holy Sp. is not upon them or any other cult. It's funny Satan gets kicked out down to earth and then all these cults pop up JW, Mormens, Moodies, etc. I want NO part of satan or his cults/world etc!

  • Sentinel

    It's my belief those "old bible laws, rules and regulations" were simply established for the health, safety and overall protection of a group of people living at that time. Things sure has gotten out of hand over the centuries as to reasoning and application.

  • hurt


    brilliant point!

    Confronted with this kind of reasoning, a sensible Elder would probaly tell you to simply do what your conscience allows making sure you don't sumble anyone. Now, that's a Catch-22. But then, ut has nothingto do with the internal inconsistency of JW position on blood. Thanks for your relentless research on the subject of blood.

  • Francois

    Well, it is sort of a continuous circuit. A real continuous circuit looses nothing and the substance in the circuit (blood, electricity, water, whatever) looses none of its bulk. If you start with five pints, you end up with five pints. This is a red herring, forgetting that a component of the blood is removed while it's in this "continuous" circuit.

    A continuous circuit is not the same as a closed circuit, which is what the society seems to want you to think it is.

    The WTBTS is dancing around this issue like a cat on a hot tin roof, trying to discover some place cooler to stand. It's not there. They have painted themselves into this corner, greatly desire to get out of that corner, and are slowly realizing that there is no way out of this corner of their own making.

    Good. It couldn't happen to a better set of hypocrits.



  • teenyuck

    This is great Jourles.

    I am hoping my JW aunt and cousin put their ethics off to the side and allow my non-baptized cousin get a bone marrow transplant.

    Since my aunt asked my sister to donate, I am sure her ethics are neatly folded away....he never was "baptized" so he really is not a JW.....

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