JWs made a diligent study on teachings that have pagan origin and found Christendom as being mostly built on pagan teachings, hence keep distance from them all. So far so good.
Now, if JWs continue in the same direction, they will find virtually everything in the Bible as borrowed from pagans—starting from six-staged creation account, and devil (Ahriman) making the first man and woman fall (which is from Zoroastrianism) to the Messiah restoring what has been lost (which is found in many mythologies).
This explains why Christianity—especially JWs—did not make much headway in the most populous country (India) with 1.7 billion people. [JWs have only a few thousand members in India where as in a small country like Japan they have tens of thousands] Jesus has many similarities with what is taught in the East. Jesus’ birth is attributed to the power of God (so is Krishna’s birth); there was a bright star appearing in the night sky during the night Jesus was born (during Krishna’s birth, the bright star Rohini was high in the sky). King Herod ordered the killing of all male children in his Kingdom to eliminate Christ (King Kamsa ordered the killing of all the infants in an attempt to kill Krishna). A great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God which was followed by the praising of shepherds (there were many demigods who came and danced and sang about the glories of Krishna when He was ready to appear in this world). Birth was without pomp and show—Jesus in a cave-like manger (Krishna in a cave-like dungeon). Some wise men from the East presented Jesus with frankincense and myrrh (baby Krishna was presented with gifts that included sandalwood and perfumes). Thus the list of similarities goes on and on till their death with Jesus’s chest being pierced with a spear (Krishna’s foot was pierced with an arrow). Jesus’ second coming is spoken as to replace the wicked world with a righteous one (Krishna’s next incarnation as Kalki is spoken as to do the same). Jesus “descended from Yudah” (Hebrew 7:14), and Krishna is from Yadava. Thus similarity exists virtually in everything—even their names are very similar—Christ and K/Chrishtna. Jesus refers to himself as “Amen” (Revelation 3:14) which is actually the slanted form of “Aum” in the East. Even the word “Satan” (which stands in opposition to what Christ stands for) which is the personification of wastefulness or vices is derived from the Sanskrit term Sat-na, which means non-truth or vices (which give a temporary pleasure in the beginning and pain in the end) as personified by persons like Ravan.
No wonder T. W. Doane wrote in his book, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions: “The mythological portion of the history of Jesus of Nazareth, contained in the books forming the Canon of the New Testament, is nothing more or less than a copy of the mythological histories of the Hindu Savior Crishna, and the Buddhist Savior Buddha, with a mixture of mythology borrowed from the Persians and other nations.”
Hence the question: What if JWs go some more in the same direction of shunning everything that is of pagan origin?