My Father is JW :-(

by xcham 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • xcham

    Hi everybody,

    I found this site by luck and it is very nice. I'm from Belgium and i have a big problem so i hope you could help me :

    My father converted to JW when i was one year old. This is the worst thing that happened to my mother but thanks to god the love between them is very very strong. Strong enough to avoid any divorce even if my mother is.....muslim.

    So this is th story, i'm 20 year old and i have lots of faith in god but i'm so sad to see my father still JW and we speak more and more togehter about that but it's very difficult to change his mind.

    You have to know that he stop going to their reunion in the Kingdom's places 5 years ago.

    Please, i'm speaking to the people here in this forum that are no more JW, please tell me what made you change your mind about JW.

    Thank you.

  • DanTheMan

    In my case, I started wondering if the rule about blood transfusions was wrong. You can read a lot about this at

    Also, I was very stumbled when I discovered what they had said concerning the year 1975. Read more at

  • RunningMan

    Here is a site that deals specifically with JWs from a Muslim's point of view:

    It also has some of the best documentation of JW errors that I have seen.

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    I experienced the lack of love firsthand, that brought my doubts to the surface. I hated the way families were torn apart by disfellowshiping, I never thought there was anything loving about it. I didn't believe that the Bible forbid blood transfusions - and all those children dying. Then I read old Watchtower publications like 'The Divine Plan of the Ages' and 'The Finished Mystery'. I was shocked out of my mind when I read that nonsense along with the history of the organization. I knew there is no way God could be with these crazy people, no matter how sincere they are. Sorry about your dad, my mom is one too so I can relate. I pray for her, if you believe in God, pray for your dad, I'm sure it will help:)

  • acsot

    Si tu parles français, quelqu'uns ici le parle aussi. Tu pourras m'envoyer un message (à côté de mon nom) si tu veux que je te réponde en français pendant que les autres te répondent en anglais.

    I'm still going to the occasional meeting, but what made me doubt was the lack of love shown by JWs, yet they preach that they are the only true disciples of Christ who show love to one another. When I did more research (thanks in part to this site) I was angry at how JWs interpret the Bible for their own convenience. It's almost like what the Taliban did to the Koran.

    Many Witnesses are sincere, but blind to what is really going on and they are so busy trying to measure up to the standards set for them by the Watchtower society that they have no time to examine things for themselves.

    How do you feel about religion? Glad you're here. Bienvenue!

  • Celia

    Go to this site :

    It is a great guy in Belgium who was himself a JW for over 40 years, Jacques Luc. The site is great and you can talk to him. He will help you with your questions.

  • acsot

    xcham: il est presque minuit ici, dans l'est du Canada, alors je tenterai de répondre plus amplement demain. Est-ce que ton père est au courant de l'hypocrisie des témoins, par exemple leur appartenance à l’Organisation des Nations Unies, organization dé noncée à maintes reprises par les témoins dans leur littérature, mais à laquelle la Société Watchtower appartenait pendant plus de dix ans? Il y a beaucoup de choses semblables, cachées pour la plupart des membres de la Watchtower, mais qui fait que c’est une organization plus hypocrite que les religions condamdnées par les témoins.

    si tu veux m'envoyer un courriel, c'est [email protected]

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