Assembly Hall and Gentleman's Club

by sp74bb 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sp74bb

    The Spanish exJW forum is burning fire with the massive sale of JW Kingdom Halls and an Assembly Hall in Spain, each week new listing places appears. Would JW survive in this country?? Surprisingly the sources have found that a Real Estate Agency named "Benialsa" is massively promoting the sales.

    A stunning Assembly Hall in Mallorca is listed as a bargain (1,5 Million Euros) while the cost of building, are consequent refurbisments points a value of 2,5 Million Euros... A bargain for any investor :)

    Nevertheless, we found a pearl within the pack of Real Estate listing of the same Agency... A gentleman's club :

    How low is Lord's asset going !!! How far would they go to bargain them :(

  • wizzstick

    I found the Assemble Hall:

    Palma Assembly Hall

    But nothing else?

    Still - why are they flogging off Assembly Halls? I thought the Spanish field did well?

  • sparrowdown

    Well, WT is a bit of old boys club.

  • JRK

    I bet the GB are in "Bald Row."


  • sp74bb

    Update on this subject...

    Few months after denying it, the fact is that two Assembly Hall are publicly "For Sale".

    Now everybody looks happy for the news... They heard about a new project of Assembly Hall including new facilities.

    All assembly halls sold in the past 5 years plus current ones to be sold may do around 6-7 Millions €. All of them were doing good to continue to be used for assemblies, but they decided to sell them. One of them was sold to Filipino cult "Iglesia de Cristo" and another one has been offered to the local Muslim community.

    The new location almost ready to be used has a value of 7-8 Millions €. So they can pay the new location. Anyhow the Spanish branch decided to launch a donation scheme... 10 € a month for each publisher during 5 years. They sold the idea that the new location cost less than a coffee per day.

  • Gorbatchov

    Here in Holland they sold one of the two assembly halls for approx 10 million euro and expanded the other existing one.

    So the Northern part of the country visit the expanded hall in Holland and the Southern part of the country will use a Belgium hall.

    So no external halls will be rent for conventions, they use the expanded hall for small conventions in the summer.

    It is a business thing: they keep all the money in their own pocket now, also for the conventions. Money is rolling to one side now.

    Splane is on his way to Holland this weekend for the dedication of the expanded hall. Maybe he will tell the Dutch JW's more about the generation teaching.


  • freddo

    Overlapping Assembly Halls?

    Where one new hall or refurbishment is financed by "voluntary" donations and three others are sold off and the loot sent to Brooklyn via the new European collection office.

    The new hall overlaps the catchment areas of the old halls and the drones drive hundreds of miles instead of tens of miles to get to their one day donation session ... er ... circuit assembly.

  • darkspilver

    Hey Gorbatchov!

    how's you? I trust you've been checking your old harddrive? yes?

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • prologos

    f: "--overlap?

    witnesses overlapping on the highways, one group leaving the meeting, the other coming, not unlike the overlapping anointed generation groups, one that went to their graves, the other, since ~>1992 into the future. The reserved grave sites for the last anointed can be sold too, because according to latest wt light, after the rapture, their remains will be disposed off by angels, like Jesus'. David S, you can explain it, don't pass up the occasion.

  • joe134cd

    With all the sell offs and cut backs one has to wonder if they will survive at all.

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