All JWs who are PIMI are also PIMQ. They are encouraged to ask Questions then do lots of personal study. To go deep into the scriptures.
I actually think more of the 8 million have things they question and don’t understand than most think. Perhaps all of the 8 million actually are PIMQ.
Im even further along than PIMQ as I just don’t know so many things, I certainly don’t swallow hole what the Bible says.
My wife and I often have this talk. There are so many questions we have about the Bible that don’t make sense. I think this is true of all JWs even the governing body.
My wife is just like your wife she asks that same question, and she is doing microphones and Audio/visual at the meetings as we are both baptised and there are not enough brothers. Why can’t women give instruction talks?
We both could claim to be anointed. Perhaps we will as we get older and the organisation changes, we may start taking the emblems then we will get more respect and people will start listening to our questions more.
We are not supposed to question if someone is anointed or not. All those older one who claim to be 144,000 kings and priests that will rule with Jesus get more respect and always get the best parking places and best seats at the conventions. When other older ones who don’t take the emblems don’t get such special treatment.
Tedd and Zo.