Hemopure & AJWRB in Portuguese Newspaper

by Osarsif 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Osarsif

    Translation of the article published by the Portuguese weekly newspaper Expresso, Saturday, April 28, 2001, section "Vidas", on-line at:


    Ox Blood

    A product with bovine blood will be commercialized. The corporation
    that commercializes it assures that it replaces human blood.

    Text: César Avó

    Hemopure, composed of hemoglobin
    from bovine blood, is in reality a
    temporary substitute for human blood.

    Do you find unbelievable the idea of extracting red blood cells from
    a cow to infuse in humans? Fact is, soon a product with that
    characteristic will be commercialized in South Africa. Just like in
    the joke about the doctor, there are good and bad news. The good news
    is the possibility, at short term, of utilization of a product that
    behaves like red blood cells. This solution, baptized Hemopure,
    is tolerated by all types of blood and has a remarkable capacity
    of conservation, when compared with blood: 2 years, at ambient
    temperature, against less than 1 month and a half, if frozen.

    Each unit of Hemopure is formed by 30 grams of hemoglobin (the
    protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells) extracted from
    red blood cells of North-American bovines. The solution is
    then applied in the fluid part of blood, plasma. Moreover,
    this alternative medium of transportation of oxygen to the
    tissues, by its nature, cannot transmit human infectious
    diseases, case of HIV. Investigators also assure that the
    transmission of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human
    variant of the "mad cow" disease, is almost zero -- the
    probability is less than 1 in 100,000,000 -- since the proteins
    of blood are removed, in a process of "purification" obtained
    by a modified protein.

    To begin with, there are multiple advantages. It is a simple
    process for blood transfusions. Its particles, 1,000 times
    smaller than red blood cells, can be a precious auxiliary in
    anti-cancerigenous treatments or to penetrate blocked arteries.

    It is also an important reserve, especially in Third World
    countries, where the lack of uncontaminated blood is chronic,
    or in case of bellic conflict [war] or natural catastrophe.
    "If there is any alternative safer than the potential risks of
    blood transfusions, it should be used", said the coordinator
    for the safety of blood transfusions of the World Health
    Organization, Luc Noel.

    Now the bad news. According to some experts, and contrary to
    what Biopure (the corporation that is holder to the patent of
    the product) advertises, Hemopure is not a substitute for red
    blood cells, but it is a mere temporary treatment. A blood
    transfusion transmits oxygen for a month, while Hemopure's
    effect stops after 1 or 2 days, forcing frequent transfusions.
    "The solution works like a bridge, helping the patient to keep
    healthy, until real blood can be applied. It is certain that it
    will not replace blood transfusions", said doctor Anthon Heyns,
    director of the South African Blood National Service. On the
    other hand, Hemopure does not supply the body with plasma and
    platelets, only present in the red liquid.

    Weakness, abdominal aches, nausea, hypertension, jaundice and
    cutaneous eruption [skin problems] are some of the collateral
    effects that may occur in the patients subjected to a transfusion
    with this product, which has undergone tests in the last 9
    years in American, European and South African clinics, and has
    been under development since 1984. Another point that may weight
    negatively in the balance is the price. In South Africa it will
    probably cost less than in the developed countries, but in these
    [developed countries] the acquisition of Hemopure will cost 4 to
    5 times more than blood.

    Expectant Witnesses

    Especially interested in this subject are Jehovah's Witnesses.
    According to the doctrine of this religious confession, bible
    based, man should abstain from blood, and consequently blood
    transfusions are not allowed.

    Contrary to what an association of reformist Jehovah's Witnesses,
    the Associated Jehova's [sic] Witnesses for Reform on Blood (AJWRB),
    announced, it has not been approved the use of fractions of any of
    the primary blood components. "What changed was science", explains
    Pedro Candeias. This director of the Hospital Information Services
    of Jehovah's Witnesses insists in saying that they "believe in
    medicine and not in cure by faith" and that they are "interested
    in the scientific advancement". Pedro Candeias, cautioning that he
    is not making the apology of any product, points to the blood
    recovering machines and to another blood substitute undergoing
    tests, this one totally synthetic, called Oxygent, so that people
    do not get exposed "to the enormous risks that a transfusion

    [end of article]

    Note: the newspaper where this article was published is the most
    important weekly newspaper in Portugal and is widely read. This is
    the first time I see AJWRB mentioned in Portuguese press.

    The following paragraph of the newspaper article is wrong:

    Contrary to what an association of reformist
    Jehovah's Witnesses, the Associated Jehova's [sic]
    Witnesses for Reform on Blood (AJWRB), announced,
    it has not been approved the use of fractions of
    any of the primary blood components.
    because, as the following page explains:

    Watchtower Blood Policy Changes Again

    the Watchtower, June 15, 2000, p. 31, says:

    "[...] when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each
    Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously
    decide for himself."
    (Scans here: http://www.jwfiles.com/blood-WT6-15-00.htm )
    By saying this, they have allowed Jehovah's Witnesses to accept
    fractions of any of the primary components, thus approving the

    Shame on the journalist and on the lying representative from the
    Watchtower Hospital (dis)Information Service, who said: "What
    changed was science". Yeah, right!

    I only hope this newspaper article is not read by any Jehovah's
    Witness who is in a life or death situation and wondering if the
    Society now allows the use of fractions of any of the primary blood

    If a Jehovah's Witness reads these words:

    Contrary to what an association of reformist
    Jehovah's Witnesses, the Associated Jehova's [sic]
    Witnesses for Reform on Blood (AJWRB), announced,
    it has not been approved the use of fractions of
    any of the primary blood components.
    "What changed was science", explains Pedro Candeias.
    This director of the Hospital Information Services
    of Jehovah's Witnesses [...]
    he might get the wrong impression that the Society has not changed
    its position and still prohibits fractions from the primary blood
    components, when in reality that is no longer the case!

    On the positive side, Jehovah's Witnesses reading the newspaper
    will know that there are "reformist Jehovah's Witnesses, the
    Associated Jehova's [sic] Witnesses for Reform on Blood (AJWRB)",
    and may search and find AJWRB site.


  • patio34


    Thanks for all that information and taking the time to post it.


  • outnfree

    Good job, Osarsif!


  • montag

    thank you

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