Ever wonder where some of the WT `biblical` teachings came from?
For example, where in the Bible does it say that you should report
time? More specifically, that you can start counting time from the
point at which you approach the first person(or door)? How about
birthday cake... one sister`s daughter brought home a round cake
which she suspected was B-day cake.Fearing breaking Jehovah`s law
the sister cut the cake into square pieces and then declared it was
no longer B-day cake and therefore; safe to eat!! How about the 5
meetings. Sure the Bible talks about gathering together, but where
does it say FIVE MEETINGS. If 5 is good , why not six, how bout 7?
Why do grade school boys have to wear neckties? Where does the Bible
talk about the length of sister`s dresses? (One sister here in Japan
was warned for having a very bright colored car! I guess it wasn`t
theocratic. Probably, made somebody stumble!?) Recently, there was
a ruling about wearing black clothing to funerals. Supposedly,it
might give someone the idea that the bro. was involved in ancestor
worship (never mind that Japanese wear black to graduations and weddings as well). The list is endless. What motivates a group to
constantly be thinking up new rules...and then claiming they got
them from the Bible? Reminds me of `Corban`. JWD
Where Did That Come From?
by JWD 5 Replies latest jw friends
I think you are going through your monthly cycle.
It is all part of the control. If we collectively listed is all of the rules and regulations known to be set throughout J-Dubyadom we'd collect 100's if not 1000's. All the regulations are there to control. If you don't toe the line you wont't get privileges, won't be part of the 'In' group, will be "spiritually weak". If you do as you are told you might get to be part of the controlling group (elders) but by then you are willing to be cotrolled by the next level up.
P.S. At least Fred gets to be independant here. HE is out of control and likely not an esteemed memeber of his congregation, if even bothers to attend one.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
reporting time?
AS a young kid in late 6o's living in the deep south Sunday mornings was field service time.The young guys would go together in a 454 cu. inch oldsmobile Delta 88.We'd go on return visits- we knew no would be home,everyone was in church in them days and the Sheriff would be in church too.So we'd start at one end of the county make a RV get in the car, race 120 miles an hour down the straight highway to the other end of the county visit another NH RV and race to the other end of the county till we had our time in.
My question is," Since we were going twice the speed limit would it have been ok to double our time?
I`ve always wondered why count TIME? Why not count actual conversations. Talking to closed doors never amounted to anything.
If the WT had to pay even a dime per hour, they would change the
time thing real fast. By the way, has anyone even sued the WT for
making people work with no pay? If it`s really volunteer, why is
the word `obligation` used for pioneers time norms? How does all
this square with the teaching in Matthew about making sure your
good works aren`t known by men? -
AS a young kid in late 6o's living in the deep south Sunday mornings was field service time.The young guys would go together in a 454 cu. inch oldsmobile Delta 88.We'd go on return visits- we knew no would be home,everyone was in church in them days and the Sheriff would be in church too.So we'd start at one end of the county make a RV get in the car, race 120 miles an hour down the straight highway to the other end of the county visit another NH RV and race to the other end of the county till we had our time in.
God, that sounds like fun. I wished that we would have had those kinds of days in field service. At least in my hall, the kids would come with arrangements already made. That way, we were at least together.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)