What was your opinion about November broadcast with Tony Morris( maeby it's December)? Saw small parts of it. I thought it was extrem desperation. They gonna build New khs. It's back to the old, we are growing leaps and bound nonsens again 😁. Another run for donations. Most crazy part was how Tony Morris and other JW felt about going back to meetings. Think they used words like " wonderful," "blissful feeling" "over joyful" 😂😂. He named a congregation that hade 180 attendance zoom. But when they return too halls there was 220 at meetings 🧐. Of course we're this congregation was located was not mentioned 😊. If it's true, I bet it was a bethel congregation were everyone is obligated too attend. If they really want to give entusiasm. Why use Tony Morris for talks. He's the one that told everyone begining of pandemic, this is it, the moment we been waiting for. The least liked GB member. Probably because he don't have any problems with lying 👍
Broadcast November
by Hellothere 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
a watcher
It was the 2022 Governing Body Update #8.
I did see that G B update.. I saw nothing that I was not expecting to hear.
The comments about returning to meetings were indeed disingenuous. They have admitted that some ( a lot) have stayed home on zoom. Of course he used the comments from the blinkered sheeplike ones who fawn over them with gushing sycophantic words .
Of the ones in my family and extended family…. they are still zooming.
Beth Sarim
I dont't know where I read or saw it,,,but I understand they are doing away with the 'zoom option' altogether in the New Year.
The only way too stop zoom, is to remove zoom arrangements. Question is, what's gonna happen then. Lot's JWs prefer zoom and have no plans returning too hall. If GB removes zoom arrangements, they could be getting into lots of trouble when lot's of JWs stop going too meetings altogether. We talking about statistik and donations. Maeby they remove zoom. Only reason is cause GB usually take wrong decisions and shoot themselves in the foot.
Beth Sarim
'' Only reason is cause GB usually take wrong decisions and shoot themselves in the foot.""
and when they open their mouths and say ridiculous things.
road to nowhere
Doing away with zoom will hurt elderly and infirm.
Doing away with Zoom will not hurt elderly and infirm or anyone else. It will give people options to do something else.
Yeah, like not going to the meetings..🤣