They Watchtower and the rest of the GB can all burn in hell as far as I'm concerned!
Screw The Society!
by nonjwalltheway 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
There's no hell,silly. But regarding the idea of screwing the Society, yeah, let's screw them good......but how???
Screw them?? They'll demand payment in advance and won't even let you kiss them afterward!!
Screw the Society??..LOL!!.. You better have lots of money..WBTS only likes rich boy friends..She`s already jumped in the sack with the United Nations,that lasted 10 years...Then there`s her military affiliations through Rand Cam corp..WTBS likes the men with the money,one seductive dollar sign $$$ and she can`t keep her knickers on,LOL!.....OUTLAW
I said the same thing many years ago. I just hope they really do get screwed and stay that way.
A Paduan
These people believe that they are the special glorius ones of divinity, sustained by their efforts in the field where they spend their lives proclaiming a story, far less believable than that of fairies in the woods - even proceeding to beating, brow beating or dumping their own children in the pursuit of their sickness of heart.
If that ain't screwed, then tell me, what is? Poverty? I'll take that anyday.
Are we to deduce that you don’t like the WTS, then?
They Watchtower and the rest of the GB can all burn in hell as far as I'm concerned
! Sounds like you have a plan. Care to discuss it? Andy of the Wine and Cracker Party crasher class.
There is no hell below us, above us only sky...
... anger is understandable, but it is not the answer.
Reclaiming your own life and being happy (and not lost in recriminations over the past) is the most effective form of revenge one can extract on a day to day basis.
Reclaiming your own life and being happy (and not lost in recriminations over the past) is the most effective form of revenge one can extract on a day to day basis.
Spot on, as usual Abaddon!
Screw The Society!
What?? And waste it??!!! Nahhhhh, I prefer to enjoy mine
All kidding aside, your anger is understandable, and probably very healthy. I think most of us go thru a period of being quite angry when we realize that we've been lied to and manipulated (and sometimes worse, sadly) and there's absolutely nothing unhealthy about feeling your anger and venting it. I don't know how fresh the realization is for you, but eventually it will subside and you can get on with living life, enjoying it. In the meantime, we're here for ya