Remember when we could never say an opinion regarding politics? It’s refreshing to see that we can tell everyone what our political stances are and have no fear of shunning
I Think It’s Great That ExJWs Have Gotten Politically Involved!
by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends
cha ching
I voted for the first time this year!!! Aaaaand, I worked at the polls! It feels so good to be able to make cast my vote in the direction I want. I want a voice, I have one!
Like one guy said, after voting, "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain" haha!
I voted for jesus--didn't you? After all he can fix anything and sooooooooooooooooon he will!
just saying!
Remember when we could never say an opinion regarding politics? It’s refreshing to see that we can tell everyone what our political stances are and have no fear of shunning
I agree. I was politically aware since I was 14. Later as an adult I was more involved in many events. That's aside from activism.
I think that in a way, some people feel attracted to the message that the WT delivers because they offer a solution to many of the problems that politics will never be able to solve. Many current and former JWs care for the world around them, want solutions to social and political problems. others are very frustrated with the way politics seems to never get us anywhere. Then the WT offers a complete replacement of every single government in the planet and unify it by allowing only people who do and believe the exact same thing.
What/how we deal we it, that's a different story. Some ex-JWs keep that same mindset about every single person having to have the exact same believes and way of thinking, expecting different results by doing the same thing that got them nowhere in the first place.
Yes believe it or not........ voting is both a privilege and a right and very necessary for a country like the USA as well as others.
No fear of shunning here.......... but I do sense a distance from reality in those that move to the far right or far left. An ex JW with a new truth to follow. A desire to believe even if the facts don't add up.
For those of us who were trapped in the JW community facts didn't matter, wait on Jah, believe and obey. And under those guidelines children were and still are being abused, people are not getting decent and productive education, others not receiving all that the medical profession can give. Facts do matter.
The harsh rhetoric, the disdain for honest replies. An absence of documented facts. All leads many of us away from engaging with those who approach a discussion as if they were still believers............."I don't have any facts but I just know it's true." End of argument.
In our world, here on this and other forums, it seems that thinking you are right is good enough. When we were believing JW's everything had to be believed, every doctrine followed to a tee....even if it cost you your health, your family, education and tragically....... your life.
Start a discussion, pro and con of gun ownership. It quickly descends to a level that we once experienced as JW's when our cherished beliefs were questioned we knew we had the truth........... why waste time on this fool?
There isn't much give and take when it comes down to absolutism. I'm right and your wrong is all I have to tell myself.
I really wanted to get registered to vote against Trump. But I realized that there would likely be things in the mail that would give my wife something to go off about and it simply is not worth it to me. So, because of me, now we'll just have to see what happens...
So, because of me, now we'll just have to see what happens...
Haha! This made me laugh so hard!
I have gone to the other extreme on the thought of politics. I am one of those people that believe that it is a moral responsibility to get involved and vote. I never thought I would find myself in this School of Thought, but here we are!
Bungi Bill
You hit the proverbial nail fair on the head there!
It would seem that the JW “All or Nothing” mentality does take a long time to break from.
Its nice to know that we can have a say in what our Govt`s do whether it goes the way we want it to or not at least we can have a say in it and voice our opinion.
And not be dictated to by religion and the Governing Body of J.W.`s