Project Thematic Report Child sexual abuse in the context of religious
institutions by the IICSA Research Team (published 30 MAY 2019)
❗️ trigger w a r n i n g ❗️
Truth Project is part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual
Abuse. The Truth Project offers victims and survivors the opportunity to
share their experience in writing, on the telephone or in person.
The Truth Project is part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. The Truth Project offers victims and survivors the opportunity to share their experience in writing, on the telephone or in person.
The mandate:
is the first publication in a series of thematic reports examining
what victims and survivors have shared with the Independent Inquiry
into Child Sexual Abuse (‘the Inquiry’) as part of the Truth Project
about their experiences of child sexual abuse and the institutional
context in which it occurred. It details the research findings in
relation to experiences of sexual abuse that occurred in ‘religious
contexts’, based on the location or perpetrator of the abuse.
includes both sexual abuse that has taken place in a religious
institution and sexual abuse that has taken place in a different
setting but where the perpetrator was a member of the clergy or other
staff affiliated with a religious institution (seesection1.2 for a more
detailed discussion of our inclusion and exclusion criteria).
The accounts in this report are from victims and survivors who came to the Truth Project between June 2016 and November 2018.
The majority of participants reported sexual abuse by individuals from Anglican and Catholic Churches in England and Wales.
such abuse within other Christian denominations and other religions –
including the JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, Islam and Judaism – was also
reported and is included in the analysis.
The analysis was undertaken by members of the Inquiry’s Research Team between November 2018 and May 2019.
The report goes on to describe in detailed analysis, the various forms of abuse (trigger!).
➡️ The percentage of abuse is relatively high considering the number of JW's worldwide (according to JW's themselves).
If you consider, that a number of people have now 're-calculated'
the REAL number of JW's worldwide, this percentage goes up even higher!
📷;) 😞
➡️ Most abuse is reported to either the 'clergy' heads in charge OR (close) family member (i.e. parents).
it has been proven if either of these parties have the JW background,
abuse has and will be dealt with internally! 📷;) 😞
(So as not to bring disrepute on the Jehovah or the organisation)
➡️ An significant number of victims are actually MALES (whom came forward for this inquiry)
➡️ Of ALL the VICTIMS most go on to SUFFER long-term MENTAL and/or HEALTH ISSUES (further detailed in the report)
➡️ Of all the REASONS given to COME FORWARD now for this report, the most given reasons were:
* Wanted change to prevent abuse happening to someone else
* Wanted to tell someone in authority
* Wanted some resolution
* Wanted to be believed
This report is VERY DETAILED, and therefore must be given a ❗️ trigger w a r n i n g ❗️
It can be directly viewed at…/truth-project-thematic-report%3A…
How and where to share you own experience to the Truth Project:
➡️ For the IICSA "current Investigation "Child protection in religious organisations and settings";
📣 a preliminary hearing will take place at 2pm on 23 July 2019
📣and public hearings will take place in 2020.
Original PUBLIC post at