Did you happen to catch this month’s JW broadcast?
It was the edited version of the October 2022 annual meeting, with talks by gb guys and videos.
One of the talks was by The Most Boring Human On The Planet, Ken Cook. He was droning on about Revelation 11:18 and how God will “bring to ruin, those ruining the earth”.
Towards the end, he asks rhetorically, “so when can we expect this?”
After failed attempt at a dramatic pause, he made his usual limp attempt at enthusiasm by exclaiming “Soon! Yes! Very soon, God will blah blah blah (you know the rest)”.
I just thought it was hysterical - that tepid attempt at a dramatic pause and, then, in his best imitation of enthusiasm, he squeaks “Soon! Very soon!” as if it were the first time in recorded history that the WTS had used those words, instead of it being a repeat of their message for well over a literal century.
Idiots. The lot of the them.