Hello everyone, I was just wondering if any of you have thought of this. It makes me angry sometimes. I am a grown child with an aging parent. All of the years that I can remember growing up, my parents and others never saved for retirement due to the fact that the system would be long gone before they retired. If someone did talk about saving for retirement they were really looked on as spiritually weak and without faith. It was a given that children would not go to college to get that education that wasn't needed due to the fact that this system would be gone, why waste the time, we were taught. Now as a grown child I have heard (which I do agree with this) from the platform many times that it is the children's Godly responsibility first of all to take care of the aging parents. The congregation only takes partial responsiblity if there are not children who take the responisiblity. How nice of this organization, tell my parents; don't save, tell me; don't get that education, now tell me take responsibility when they have pretty much tied my hands in this aspect. Of course I will make sure one way or the other, but shouldn't they step up and help out this generation that they messed up with all their financial advice throught the years? In some ways I have been blessed My life seems to have worked out and I have had what I have needed but It kills me to see family without financial things they really should have and stressed and depressed about their situations and I don't have an abundance to provide. I worry about the future as they continue to age Just venting here.
Heritage left by life of Watchtower teaching
by goofy 7 Replies latest jw friends
We feel for you goofy - and your parents. The list of heinous sins the Watchtower has amassed continues to grow.
Dansk and Family
Agreed, goofy. And all they know how to do is look ahead without dealing with the present. You sound like you're on the right track, though. Good for you!
Another, less debilitating but still annoying leftover is that anytime I tell the kids we're going to a social function or (in this case) a support group meeting at a church, the first question is: "Do I HAVE to dress up?" Hopefully they will learn over time that most places don't require dresses, suits and ties. And hopefully Jackson will get over the fear that Daddy is one day going to make him wear a kilt . . . .
I have never seen any congregation take any degree of responsibility for any older person in need.
If there was any assistance offered, it was by a few members. The wbts does not have any organized established charity and would not support it monetaryly if they did.
They only receive "take" money, never do they use it to help the needy.
According to what I've read in the Bible account of Jesus' life; he routinely distributed the contributions he received to those of the poor around him. The WTS sucks all the contributions into its gaping maw and gives nothing back in return to those whose lives they've ruined by their 'teachings'.
I hope for the best for you, Goofy, and your parents.
I have never seen any congregation extend a helping hand to anyone for any reason. I have never heard of the WTBTS offering even so much as a farthing in aid of some poor soul who has followed their advice about seeking an education, or preparing for retirement, or any other financial advice.
They are like the Pharisees who, amidst their riches, tell the poor who come for help to go their way and to be happy without giving them the wherewithall to do so. And the society could certainly help many many people from it excess riches.
I would like to see some poor old lady bring a suit for support against the society under the theory that they told her what to do, and said they were speaking for God when they did so, and now the old lady is destitute. There has GOT to be some way to get to the societies purse.
The not so funny thing is I as I was beginning to drift away and Elder (who I actually do like) advised me that it was probably my job causing my spiritual problems. He thought maybe I should reconsider, take something a little simpler and Jehovah would provide. At the same time I was stressing due to knowing my parents needed several things. I do believe Jehovah provides, Now, I just understand, he provided a brain, two hands, and some common sense, which I am now finally using. So needless to say I did not take somthing simpler and stuck with my job. But I cannot believe how they tell us not to worry and then never worry about us short of handing us a Watchtower to read when we have a problem.
I have seen one congregation provide for an elderly sister who had no family. she had never married. They put her in a nursing home and picked up the remainder of the bill after medicaid and assigned various ones to pick her up for the meeting, etc. until she died. But that is rare.
Now I face retirement (I'll be 56 next month). I have made very little preparations for that. I was not going to get old 37 years ago when I got into the WTS quagmire. There are millions now living who will never retire. We can not afford to retire! We will be working in McDonalds when we are 75 and 80 because we are still living and need to eat.
I wonder if we could have a class action lawsuit for that? Hmmm