Is it just me and my cynical nature now, but are those new songs just so "culty" or what??
If you haven't herd them yet, go to the office website and listen and read the lyrics....
by stuckinarut2 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is it just me and my cynical nature now, but are those new songs just so "culty" or what??
If you haven't herd them yet, go to the office website and listen and read the lyrics....
I am very careful to only "mouth" the words. I refuse to allow the cult words to vibrate through my soul....
LOL!!! Creepy, right??
My JW got back from the meeting tonight.
I asked her how she liked the new song.
She said it made her cry and she loved it.
JW wants people get detached emotionally and mentally.
What the hey? You used to be one of the WT's fiercest apologists on this site! What happened?
Yes, music very influential on people's emotions, attitude. Henceforth, those little videos at Conventions when playing that emotional music tugs at their heartstrings, people looking for their Kleenexes.
But, year, regarding the new songs. The music sounds ''cultier'', for a lack of better words. I think it's by design, to brainwash in a way.
I think back to the pink song book and the old song book prior to the one released 6 years ago. I remember the songs actually felt upbeat, victorious. I'm actually nostalgic for the music they had in in the 1980's, 90's.
I just re-read my first post on this thread. Funny, but auto-correct changed HEARD to HERD!
Its actually a funny slip! (ie Herd GB?? "thankyou, thankyou, I'll be here all week")
(Oh, and I meant OFFICIAL website, not OFFICE... )