Take A Break

by obiwan 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    Ok, there has been so much talk and worry over the war that I thought a new topic was in order.

    What does everyone have planned for summer vacation, I mean spring has sprung, summer is not to far off. What kind of fun does everyone have planned? Any new goals for summer, new places or people?

    Let's get excited!

  • ozziepost

    What a good idea!

    Yep, Mrs Ozzie and I are getting excited......if we can get over our sickness, that is! If we get our strength back, in the northern summer we'll be taking an expedition of the highest order! OK that sounds mysterious don't it???

    But......that's all for now!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • teenyuck

    I am going on a long weekend to Chicago sometime in late May, early June (not too hot yet) and then Las Vegas somewhere in the next 2-3 months.

  • NeonMadman

    The company my wife works for has a user's conference in Las Vegas the last weekend in April, and she's been assigned to go. Since I've never been there, and the only cost for me to go is my plane ticket and my food (her plane ticket, her food, and the hotel room are all paid for by her company), I've decided to go with her.

    After that, we're going to spend a (hopefully) relaxing week in Virginia Beach the second week in May, and visit with my grandmother, who lives in Norfolk.

    I'm toying with attending the BRCI conference in Chicago at the end of June, but haven't decided yet whether I'll go. However, I'll definitely be at Witnesses Now For Jesus in PA come October, Lord willing. I made my reservation for that one while I was at last year's conference.

  • liquidsky

    I'm taking my summer vacation the last 2 weeks of December. I am going on a carribean cruise this year. Last Christmas I spent a week in Hawaii.

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