watchtower: God approves lies, deceptions, faked bible dramas.

by waton 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton

    In this week's wt study, the article suggests that you might be discouraged because you were not given wt "privileges"

    but here is the unintended admission: "jehovah" has picked a lying servant, putting on deceptive bible dramas to do his bidding. 1 kings 22. passing over those with more honest intentions.

    obviously he has done that again in 1919, when " millions now living will never die" was the big wt/ F&DS slogan. and.,

    An adulterous murder, David was not allowed the privilege to build the temple , decried that loss of privilege, but retained many others. so:

    If you have turned your back to wt: you had valid reason to do so. . dont be discouraged, this week's wt shows you why you are right,--- subtly. with hidden messages.

  • Rocketman123

    Years a go I couldn't accept that god would choose false prophet apostate charlatans as his solemnly chosen organization.

    If the holy spirit was guiding this organization from whom did this spirit direction come from ? ....... possibly the spirit of lies and deceptions Satan the Devil ?

    An adulterous murder, David was not allowed the privilege to build the temple , decried that loss of privilege, but retained many others

    14. What outstanding example did King David set?

    14 Because of the limitations of age, health, or other factors, we may not be eligible to receive a certain assignment or privilege in the congregation or circuit. In that connection, we can learn from the example of King David. When told that he had not been chosen to build God’s temple​—something that David had dearly hoped to do—​he gave full support to the one whom God had selected for the assignment. David even contributed generously toward the project. What an outstanding example to follow!​—2 Sam. 7:12, 13; 1 Chron. 29:1, 3-5.

    You may be too young or too old, have health issues, do not put in enough field service hours, have no clout or pull to receive an assignment, but according to the Bible narrative, David is sited for his fine example. The study article forgets to mention all of King David's wives, his adultery with Batsheba, leading him to arrange the death of her husband, Uriah.

    What a fine example David set!

  • waton

    Wt writers want to tell jws, what to worry about, what could discourage them. It is mainly not being able to do enough for or in the organisation. If you have a real problem, like being in an iron lung, or wheelchair, the solution to having a happy life is to put in pioneer hours.

    forgets to mention all of King David's wives,

    RR Yeah, acquired by collecting buckets of fore skins. no. you had to have 1000 of exclusive females to qualify for theocratic privilege to build the temple. Causing 1000 young men working out their frustration in the forests, quarries.

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