I was wondering if some who may have been in the judgement seat ( so to speak ) had a wake-up call while judging someone who was defending leaving JW. ( or maybe it was from reading a letter of disassociation.)
question for those who had been elders on judicial committee
by enoughisenough 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh yes, one particular ‘case’ still haunts me, even though it was around 30 years ago.
Admittedly it was some time before my own exit, but that ‘case’ along with other memories contributed to my own seeing TTaboutTT.
I console myself with the thought that we actually did that guy we DF a favour by getting him away from the borg and all its control.
No, the cases that I was involved with never involved apostasy or doctrinal issues. I dealt my share of adulterers, fornicaters, smokers and at least one gambler, but nothing that required me to defend my faith.
Most cases were confessed by the wrongdoer and many were repentant and not d/f’d.
@BluesBrother. That was also the case in my missionary assignment. A lot of knew baptized with still old habits, porneia all over the place. The weirdest case was a french sister, that lived with her mother as foreigners, she involved in witchcraft (voodoo). We had to df her as she was promising to stop the practice, but continued. Than the case of a missionary sister who wanted to get out of her assignment, which her husband didnt want. She just offered sex to the first wordly man she encountered. We (a CO, a local elder and me) were told by the branch that under no circumstances she should be df, because of the good name in that town. Of course they had to pack their bags and were sent back to California.
Fulano Good grief! That whole situation was absolutely nuts!
Enough is enough Great question!
Ozzie post If you're ok with it, of course, Any elaboration as to what disturbed your conscience about that case.in particular?
Same as Blues Brother - nothing I saw in JCs raised any flags whatsoever.
The JCs I was involved in were the usual run of the mill - adultery cases, courting couples having pre-marital sex , smokers ( cigarettes , pot ) , boozers etc. Often repeat cases and most involving marginal JWs that basically believed but couldn't live up to the rules. Generally just private / public reproof - I think only two or three got DFd and they were pretty much open and shut cases. Apostasy cases were rather rare back then pre-internet - I never dealt with one.
one of the last i was on; 15 or 16 yo girl, having regular sex with her worldy boyfriend. I was determined not to disfellowship her. My reasoning was she was a minor and kids do dumb things and make dumb decisions. But it was inevitable- she didnt want to remain a JW. Her wish was granted.
the cases that I was involved with never involved apostasy or doctrinal issues. I dealt my share of adulterers, fornicaters, smokers and at least one gambler
I'm conflicted about these. While i'm no bleeding heart liberal, i've come to see these as human behaviours that are the result of some pain or trauma. Thinking about a specific case, how does disfellowshipping a young man, who's wife had died, for fornication help him? I think often there is something that they need help with that prayer and field service won't