The governing body of JWs claim without any justification that they alone are holders of a sacred key to divine knowledge and that their history indicates appointment by the Almighty creator with the job of giving the world of their privileged information, especially on the time of the Biblical “last days.”
Ok they use Bible illustrations to explain this with the idea that the “master” has “domestics” who are fed by them but this is always a matter in contention. They think the illustration is important but can never get a handle on who is who and when it is. But this is beside the point. The essential case is that if the GB admitted they were not specially chosen; they would have no authority, no more credibility. If they denied being chosen, it would make them just like any other religion and a deflated failure in their self appointed mandate to preach the 1914 Kingdom.
And yet:
The fact that the history of the Watchtower organisation is one of total prophetic failure demonstrates beyond doubt that there exists a complete absence of divine guidance.
But sheep are not discerning; contrary to any reason they stick around with their wayward shepherd.
So where are we? We have an organisation falsely claiming divine guidance and 8 million sheep-like subscribers to their delusion.
Older assertions are routinely buried because they no longer are plausible such as, 1914 being the time when paradise would exist on the Earth. Or the generation which saw 1914 would be the last generation to see the “end of the system of things.” We all know the futility of Watchtower prophecies but now I think we are seeing a new direction. Prophecies don’t work, however their income depends on the big carrot of paradise so they make sure they keep the doomsday ‘top’ spinning to keep the flock hopeful.
Perhaps the recent and uncharacteristic inclusion in the Watchtower study that “the org is not always right” and therefore it is "possible" to defy the Organisation, is a defence directed to the (correct) accusation by lawyers that the GB demand of the flock absolute compliance to their word? The lawyers fortunately are more savvy than the WT who know that what they print is not what they expect from the flock. They did a similar trick when joining the United Nations Organisation; now grovelling to them, they printed matter in Awake in favour of the formerly maligned UN as a condition for membership.
It seems now instead of leading, the Watchtower is now committed to fighting a rear guard action. They are under attack from many quarters notably from bad publicity on the child abuse scandals for which they are reprehensible. They are placing Iron Age Bible doctrines ahead of common sense and above the secular law. Even if they proclaim otherwise, in practice they have no compassionate regard or rehabilitation for those within their congregations who have unfortunately been abused. On the business front they are ditching all but necessary expenditure on staff and property and are engaged in an unholy grasping campaign for money from any source. The educated western world (including Japan) has voted with feet to say no to Watchtower promises.
The JW organisation is a nasty delusional, life-sapping, mind-bending, family-splitting doomsday cult which with all its billions contributes nothing positive to the sum of human happiness.
Wake up governing body—wake up Jehovah’s Witnesses!
I hope we will see more evidence in the near future of the GB putting on their life-jackets and looking for the lifeboats. And for those still trapped inside, what can you do: stop contributing in any way and feel more free to share your dissatisfaction with your JW friends. Introduce them to critical thinking.