Mum is in London...

by nightwarrior 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • nightwarrior

    'mum' has called me today (Thursday).

    She is now rioting in London, so we must do something to stop her LOL

    Mattnoel - you said that you would like to meet up with her, but you did not leave any contact so give me a shout and I will be able to give you her number

    Rebel - the same goes for you.

    You can contact me on : [email protected]

    I can meet her definitely on Monday, but if anyone wants to meet up over the weekend, lets sort something out.

    Hurry up and get back to me

    Mrs Nightwarrior

  • TresHappy

    London...what a wonderful city to be in! Although I haven't visited in 15 years, I look forward to the day I can return there!

  • cruzanheart

    *checking BBC to make sure London is still intact* Hooray for Mum! I hope she has a wonderful time, and buys out Harrod's and has a lot of English beer and sees Windsor Castle and Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, and has some more beer, and meets the cool English apostates, and has some more beer . . . . and I hope that she remembers her trip because I want to hear all about it!!!!

    Nina (of the Wishing-I-Was-There class)

  • mattnoel

    Hey Mrs,

    I sent you an e mail. I work in a place called Bromley, if she gets on a train from London - Victoria station she can be in Bromley South in about 15-20 mins, its Zone 5 so she can just use her 5 zone travel card if she wishes. I have sent you my number to your e mail.

    Speak soon,


  • rebel

    Mr & Mrs NW,

    I sent you an email with my phone no. Can't get into Hotmail at the moment so don't know if you have replied. Will try again later.


  • Mum

    Hi, folks. I found queen beetle today. She and I took a cab over to the Watchtower House and left off a couple of lambs with the fresh-faced, polite young people at the reception desk there. I must say that they were very civil and polite -- not at all like their masters in Brooklyn.

    QB told the young man at the guard shack that the lambs were for the children. He quipped that no children worked there. I think he was actually displaying a sense of humour. No one tried to keep us out. They were not rude at any time. The young woman at the reception desk (next to a young man also at that reception desk/counter) did get a crestfallen look when she heard the word "silentlambs." All whom we met were courteous and gracious. Imagine that! Those people who show up at your door unannounced to say stuff you don't want to hear can be gracious when you return the "favor."

    The young fellow at the guard shack gave us good directions to the bus as we left. We caught the bus into Finchley where QB is staying, then got the underground/tube to Kensington, my temporary home.

    Tomorrow we're off to Paris to deliver some lambs to any outpost of the temoins de Jehova that we find in that fair city. We'll also walk the Champs Elysees, shop and indulge in some local delicacies and good wine.

    Au revoir, mes amis.


    SandraC of the wish-I-could-stay-longer class

  • ApagaLaLuz

    MUM..... be careful in Paris. My last experience was not too great. Apparently French whores dress like American women going to the meeting. Beware.

    But on the bright side, the best pizza I ever had was along the Champs Elysees.

    Have fun! I'm so jealous!

  • mattnoel

    Ha Ha we wont go there with your experience in Paris will we darling Chevy !

  • Englishman
    Tomorrow we're off to Paris to deliver some lambs to any outpost of the temoins de Jehova that we find in that fair city.


    Be very careful please. I mean, really careful. OK?


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