With no meetings for donationx how is WT funding itself
Losr Tevenue
by Lostandfound 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Losr Revenue Apologies for typo
The WTS has hundreds of millions tucked away in bank accounts collecting interest.
JWs are fooled by the GB men who say they need more money, even children's candy money.
These men are pretentious liars and deceivers, never doubt that.
St George of England
Virtual meetings via ZOOM with regular reminders to donate on line. Elders available to help if needed.
It would a good assuming guess that since the GB men cant go out in service, they are spending more time swimming, boating and playing tennis at their Warwick Head Quarters.
Yoo woo thank you corona virus
They have automatic electronic donations. They expect everyone to sign up to donate monthly with debit or credit cards (and go into debt to pay this stupid bill). They also have donations where you can go to their web site and donate on a one-off basis. Which is totally stupid to donate to--I would never sign up for automatic debit or credit card donations, because they can take more than they are allowed or be impossible to cancel.
And, if they try hounding me for pledges or donations, they can expect to hear in German that they don't deserve anything for their worldwide enslavement work.
With over 50% of the virus -caused/related deaths occurring in senior warehousing facilities, you can be sure wt adherents there will try to buy their way into "blessings" by supporting the "work", even beyond their death, in their will.
Money laundry.
It will be very interesting to see how creative the wt gets in the upcoming 'lean donation' months ahead. I expect some 'new light to be forthcoming, maybe "overlapping donations"!
just saying!