Hello everyone,
just to share with you, the following:
*** w50 8/15 p. 251 Answering the Foes of His Government ***
5 We challenge that British Jesuit to harmonize, if he can, his accusation with the public declaration by J. F. Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society, from London’s Royal Albert Hall, Sunday, September 11, 1938. Delivering his speech “Face the Facts”, which was beamed by radio and carried by direct wire to more than 50 cities in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, and also broadcast by a transcontinental chain of 118 U. S. radio stations,
Mr. Rutherford said:
“Fulfilled prophecy shows that in 1914 Jehovah enthroned Christ Jesus and sent him forth to rule, while Satan still exercises his power in the world. (Psalm 110:1, 2)
In 1917 SATAN BROUGHT FORTH IN RUSSIA A COMMUNIST OR BOLSHEVIK GOVERNMENT, which was the first appearance of a totalitarian rule, and which opposes God and his kingdom. It declares that the State is the supreme power, and it persecutes those who serve God and Christ Jesus.”
(capital letters in the original )
and also this :
*** w50 8/15 pp. 253-254 Answering the Foes of His Government ***
. Throughout the earth the witnesses use the corporation Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society as their legal and publishing servant. They use the publications of said Society in their work of educating the people on the Holy Bible. From earliest times the Watch Tower publications have exposed communism as a world menace and have shown it to be impractical, doomed to failure, and contrary to God’s kingdom by Christ. As early as its third issue, The Watchtower of September, 1879, in its leading article entitled “The Day of the Lord” (paragraphs 7 and 14), said the following, and as you read this we want you to remember this was published, not in 1950, but away back seventy-one years ago:
13 “Very many Scriptures seem to teach that the kingdoms of earth will be overthrown by a rising of the people: goaded to desperation from lack of employment and seeking relief from the oppression of bloodthirsty governments. Such a rising and overturning, Socialists, COMMUNISTS, and Nihilists of today would gladly bring about if they could. Now the Scripture recognizes wrong and oppression as existing in the nations and foretells this as the way in which they will be overthrown, and says: ‘Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for the misery that shall come upon you. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the laborers which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth.’ “
and in paragraph 14:
14 In its issue of June, 1883, The Watchtower (page 8) said: “In other words, remove the element which advises prudence, morality, and right-doing, from the counsels of the restless masses—from the Labor leagues and other associations, and let the lower element control itself, and the result would quickly be the destruction of life, property, laws, and peace—a grand reign of anarchy in the name of communism.”
15 In its issue of January, 1884, The Watchtower (page 5) published the article “Light in Darkness” and quoted, in paragraph 5, the statement of Blackwood’s Magazine: “How humiliating, too, is the thought that . . . the dangerous classes, and ‘dissolving forces’ are becoming more formidable than ever, and that the ‘social revolution’—Atheistic Communism and Nihilism—may yet shake to its foundations the entire system of civilization which modern Europe has been so slowly perfecting as the highest product of the Aryan Community of nations.”
And also this:
*** w66 9/1 p. 518 World Communism as God Views It ***
This widely published stand of Jehovah’s witnesses has hardened world Communism more and more against them and the Communists have shown themselves to be in the ranks of the symbolic goats of Jesus’ parable of the sheep and goats. Jesus explained that these would be manifest at the time of the end of this world or system of things and that the goats would be cut off from all existence. (Matt. 25:31-46) This parable, as explained by President Rutherford at a Los Angeles (California) convention, was published shortly afterward in The Watch Tower, in its issue of October 15, 1923.”
Finally this information:
*** w66 9/1 World Communism as God Views It ***
"For a full discussion of the Communist “king of the north” as prophesied in Daniel, chapter 11, see the 384-page book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1958)."
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
"Ab Uno disce omnes " (Virgilius , Eneide, II , 65)