Letter writing on zoom

by MissDaSilva 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissDaSilva

    So sorry about the crazy little rants. 🙄

    All that letter writing I did on zoom in cute little breakout rooms with coffee breaks to make it more “fun.”

    What the hell was I doing? 🤣

  • Teddnzo

    We love the zoom groups. We have one starting now it’s 9am here in London.

    We are on zoom now listening to the brother at the same time I’m posting on an Apostate site😁

    let’s be honest not many actually write letters it’s just an excuse to have a social get together

  • MissDaSilva

    Used to write my shopping list or make up poems about people who annoyed me 🤣

  • Teddnzo

    I’m here on zoom now chatting to everyone and we all know it’s a joke nobody is writing letters. We are just having a get together that’s all.

    We can tell nobody is writing letters because they don’t give out territory anymore. The elder just said maybe write to someone you know or something. We are just hearing about someone’s daughter who is getting married soon in another congregation.

    It really is just an excuse for a get together. Often times something an interest or sport or something brings people together which is fine. Even if it is not true I like the fact that this JWLITE idea you can have the best of both worlds. One foot in for the good stuff but mostly out and ignore all the stuff you don’t like.

  • MissDaSilva

    We used to write them for Not At Homes. I’ve not been to meetings or ministry for 8 months.

    I can’t be like that unfortunately. I’m too plain speaking. I’d blow my cover and get my ass kicked.

    Wish me luck in my continued fade.

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