Kingdom Melody #144 has been replaced by the newly adjusted melody sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas", here's an sampling:
"On the first day of lay-offs my true lord gave to me,
a job in the commissary, (need-greaters may add, "a part in the next assembly").
On the second day of lay-offs my true lord gave to me,
Two-Witness Rule, and a job in the commissary.
On the third day of lay-offs my true lord gave to me,
Three square meals, two-witness rule and a job in the commissary.
On the fourth day of lay-offs my true lord gave to me,
Four single sisters, three square meals, two-witness rule,
and a job in the commissary.
On the fifth day of lay-offs my true lord gave to me,
Five Golden Rules, four single sisters, three square meals, two-witness rule, and a job in the commissary."