Jesus Christ was cool with Bethelites not being baptized, even after picking Watchtower in 1919 as the one true religion.

by was a new boy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    Bethel Service Qualifications and Requirements:

    '4. Those who apply must be dedicated and baptized for at least a year.' - 1971

    How many of these guys were drug off the streets, looking for a job, just to stay alive? And how many were baptized after working at Bethel for a while?

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    Brother Richard H. Barber (circled at left) no relation to Carey Barber.

    Notice N H Knorr - the only guy Not looking at the camera with his arms crossed; was he embarrassed to be there for Christmas, knowing then that Xmas was evil?

    Was told by a bethelite around 1975, that back in the day Bethel was so desperate for workers, that they were taking guys off the street and putting them to work. Initially didn't want to believe it, but easy to believe it now.

    With membership nosediving -80.78% drop from 1925 to 1928, Bethel probably didn't have a choice.

    'attendance at their yearly Memorial dropped from a high of 90,434 in 1925 down to 17,380 in 1928, due to the previous power struggle, the failed predictions for the year 1925,[8] and a number of significant doctrinal changes that alienated those who sided with Russell's views.'

    When Jesus Christ picked the Bible Students in 1919 as the true religion, one didn't even have to be baptized to work at Bethel. Did you have to be Christian?

    Arthur Worsley wrote,

    'Then The Watchtower of January 15, 1930, arrived with an invitation to help with work at the Watch Tower Society’s Brooklyn headquarters, called Bethel. I offered my services and, to my surprise, was invited to come. It took me a while to wind up my affairs, and in the meantime I was baptized. I finally arrived at Bethel on June 13, 1930.'

    By 1971 they were taking: 'single brothers between 17 and 35 years of age.'

  • slimboyfat
    It’s funny Knorr should be against Christmas, because he was born in Bethlehem. 🎉
  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    The last time I saw N H Knorr with his arms folded like that was around 1976 in Lower Dining room when the Gov. Body announced the 4 year stay was being nuked and replaced with a one year stint.
    The room erupted in applause, Nathan looked straight ahead just like in the picture, at me, as I was in a direct line from him, 3 tables away, and wanted to see his response, since he was the Business Manager at one time, and the 4 year was his baby. I had to look away, no mood for a staring competition. His wife Audrey wisely knew not to clap.
  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    The guy to Knorr's left imitated him in not looking at the camera.

  • slimboyfat

    Is that really Fred Franz opposite Knorr? Can his face be enhanced too? And I wonder who he was sitting next to. Is Hugo Riemer in the same row? I think he was Franz’s roommate at the time. If that’s Fred Franz opposite Knorr, I wonder if those two were already friends at this early stage. In any case, they are pretty far away from Rutherford at the head of the table.

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