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interesting article on JW's and shunning
by greven 9 Replies latest jw friends
come back to their spiritual senses
So Brown says that 30,000 - 40,000 "come back to their spiritual senses"?? Really??? I wonder what it means to come to your "spiritual senses"??
Seems to me that the 30 to 40 thousand felt the absence of companionship and were unable to withstand the Borg because they hadn't carried out a "Search for Christian Freedom".
It would be interesting to see the real statistics. Imagine the fun you could have playing with Big Brother's Bethel computer -
I knew a sister who was disfellowshiped and re-instated 6 times - she liked men (a lot) I knew a brother who was baptised 3 times. I knew an Elder who 'went through' 4 wives. My sisters have been through more husbands than Elizabeth Taylor but always stayed one step removed from coping the big D. I wonder what the 'world records' are for these things? lol
uncle "just try and shun me ya bastards" bruce lol
ps: I also knew an old brother who chewed the same gum for 3 days and 4 nights.(he always stuck it behind his ear to sing or give talks at the Hall. I wonder what became of all those weird bastards we knew? I recon the truth's been blanderized. They all wear the same suits now and beat the same drum.
Boy does this tick me off. I shouldn't read this stuff before my morning coffee! It was a good article, the Times has never been a 'fan' of the Witnesses. When I worked there I use to catch flak as a Dud.The J-dud masters do play fast and loose with the truth. The sad part is the RF see this as just more of Satan's persecution on their lily white, pure loving brothers in Brooklyn.
Hey unclebruce, you were trying to be funny??? Now I get it! Maverick
This paragraph in the story says a lot:
"The excommunication announcement tells members to begin shunning that person. If they don't, they, too, risk being disfellowshipped. Fear of being disfellowshipped is gripping for many Witnesses. Because they believe that only Witnesses will be saved from death, many don't associate with non-Witnesses."
The key words in the above paragraph are FEAR and DEATH. JW's operate on the basis of fear. Enforced shunning whips people into a frenzy of fear.
Obviously the JW's aren't spiritually mature enough to decide who is and isn't good association. They must be told who to love and who not to love.
Such a loving arrangement.