When The Woman Leaves First:

by Englishman 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Seems to me that when people leave the JW's, that it's not that common for a couple to leave together.

    It would appear to me that it it is more usual for the man to leave first, am I right or is this not a correct surmise?

    Also, where it is the case that the women leaves without her JW husband, how the hell does she cope?

    I mean, leaving the witnesses is incredibly liberating, probably one of the greatest acts of liberation to be had in the civilised world. So how does an ex witness woman, who is probably full of ideas of equality, cope with living with a Old Testament style of patriarchal pomposity that is the purvue of most male witnesses?

    Doesn't it drive you nuts, Girls? How do you deal with it?


  • undercover

    I thought this was gonna be about when women leave their husbands. Then I would say, "alright! she's gone and I got the house!"

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Englishman..... it bothered me that in many situations couples were praised that the man was the 'bread winner' and the woman was supposed to pioneer. But for the most part, I guess it didnt bother me too much. I'm a very independant person. I work, provide for myself as well as my nephew, live on my own, pay my own car note. But I think I've always been a bit old fashioned as far as a woman keeping a good house and her husband happy. I also saw many couples in the congregation where both worked. I guess I just hated that you were considered "more spiritual" if you had a conventional old fashioned situation.

    The Patriarchal society of the world in general bother me. I'd be very curious to see what foreign relationships would be like in a Matriarchal society.

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