I think congratulations are long overdue to the Wt for the excellent job they do of keeping members dumbed-down and feeling safe inside the cocoon of a hive mind.
They tell us that the best education program in the world is reading the wt publications but here is a conversation I had with my uber elder buddy yesterday that may prove otherwise.
We were talking about the October broadcast and the question of whether Gods name should be included or not, when I made an offhand comment about the compiling of the new testament and the canonisation of its books. My elder friend asked me what I was talking about because 'Jehovah' compiled the bible including, of course, the NT.
He was completely unaware of the events that took place over the course of hundreds of years after the NT books were written, primarily by what we would call 'the apostate Christian church', aka Catholics, that led to the eventual formation of the bible as we generally know it today. Even now there are different versions of the bible that are accepted by various branches of religion and the book of revelation wasn't generally agreed upon as being canon before the 5th century ad.
I should mention that my friend is over 50 years old, he is an elder, ex-pioneer, ex-bethelite and the son of a missionary couple. Yet, even though he has had an amazing wt education, he didn't know how the bible came to be.
Once again, well done wt.