Two types of religions

by elbib 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • elbib

    One is religion of terror (in its gross and subtle sense) which can be identified by their divisiveness which is actually violence. All those religions which divide people into chosen ones and pagans come under this category. Those who teach eternal destruction or eternal hell for those who do not support a certain belief-system also depend upon terrorizing people.

    The other is the true religion of self-transformation and compassion, and is without any name. It helps people evolve as better human beings with values of love, compassion and non-violence. They may or may not believe in any ideology, or God or not, but their behavior pattern will have a nourishing effect on the rest of the world.

  • Vidiot

    Sounds to me like "true religion" is (pretty much) secular humanism.

    Handy, really... it doesn't even need a church.

  • steve2

    The first "type" (to use your word) is found in the Old Testament (and in a more "refined" version in the New). It's the Jehovian, "If you're not with us, you're against us' mentality that has provided "divine" justification for all manner of violence "in the name of" religion.

    Thankfully, with the emergence of secular law, the rights of religious groups to enact their teachings in more overtly violent ways has been curbed. Thus, most of the religious groups that fit under the first "type" do not attempt to kill in the service of their beliefs (e.g, join us or else we'll kill you). There are graphic exceptions such as ISIS setting up the caliphate.

    The second "type" is in fact better referred to as "secular" and, in contrast to the first type, is tolerant and respectful of human rights - rights thst are trivialized in religious groups.

    You may be interested in the different theories and typologies of religious groups in the vast sociological literature on the topic.

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