Hi,everyone.I'm just here writing this because I need to vent a bit about this,as well I'm a little worried too.
All my life I have had problems with my kidneys.Last week I had an ultrasound and it has shown my right kidneys is failing or not functioning fully.Good news is my left one is ok so far...good thing all we need is one. I have been getting a lot of pains and some days it is steady,but i'm able to live with it.Sometimes people just get used to being in pain and we don't notice it.
Another thing..is my liver.One of my veins,is swollen.Does anyone know what causes that??My doctor couldn't or wouldn't tell me what that is.I have to get an other aultra sound in july to see if it is gone or worse. Well ,she is sending me to a specialist to do further tests. Well I'll see what is up.
Thanks for listening to me whine