when i first began posting here, about 4 weeks ago, i found that i just could not tear myself away. since i work at home it was a constant temptation to just sit at computer for a few minutes which invariably stretched in to an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. i would break, then come back for more. i can easily see myself someday just sitting here from dawn to midnight. do you too spend a lot of time here? why do you think?
just curious, how much time do you spend here?
by nowisee 8 Replies latest jw friends
Sometimes way to much time. I sign on at work usually in the morning and mean to stay only a few minutes and then get interested and stay to long. I think I am going to have to stop signing on at work at all becase it seems I have no self control and I can't mess up my job. But, then again, I have an addictive personality in all ways. Love this place at times.
I pop in and out of here over a 9 hour shift at work. I dont constantly sit here reading everything though it might appear that way.
I never come on when I am at home and my family are in, though if I am home alone I will sneak in to have a look.
Hey nowisee,
lol, you sound like me about a year ago. I spent way to much time here at first. I think it was an entire summer. I gained 15 lbs from sitting here! In retrospect, it was what I had to do at that time. I never knew any other xjw's so it was such a great site to find. I've learned a lot here and I'm grateful to have found this place. It was so good to realize that I wasn't alone anymore. I left the wt 7-8 years ago w/o any internet access so, I was very alone in my thoughts. My husband could only partially relate to me because he wasn't raised in the teachings. I'm happy to say that I took a long break from here, lost the weight and only recently returned to see what was going on. It is highly addictive and I have to be cautious about the amount of time I spend here per week~~~or before you know it my kids will be grown and moving out and only remember me as that lady who stared at a computer typing about her old religion! Summertime is a comin' and I will be gone soon. I am sure that I will be back when it gets cold out again though. I love the way that I can hear myself in other posters thoughts. It's like a brotherhood. I wish that I knew 7 years ago that there were other people with the same crazy thoughts that I had! I have found that the longer I stay away the easier it gets and the better I feel because I live my life instead of relive my past. This site is a valuable tool and a wondeful gift to many who need to be here still. I am amazed at the amount of time that some posters are able to spend here, I don't know if it's healthy........but each to his own. Yes, this is a highly addictive site! It is an absolutely invaluable tool to help wt victims. Simon and Angharad, heres to you!
I never come on when I am at home and my family are in, though if I am home alone I will sneak in to have a look.
Boy does that ring a bell for me Brummie. I did that for quite a while. Now I don't hide it from the dub wife anymore. She walk over to kiss me when she gets home while I'm littering the monitor with horrible apostate thoughts.
Actually I don't think she cares. She knows how I feel about religion and the bible and so I think this eases the pain for her that I think OTHER RELIGIONS are wacky too so she knows it isn't solely the Borg I don't like.
When I first found this site, I was on here almost 24/7!!
My first ever chat room was the one here, and I love talking to everyone here, and I have learned alot!
It is one thing to talk with someone during a post or a thread, but it is a whole other to chat with someone online, live, and get their feelings about anything while you talk with them and others all at the same time.
For me, it was eye opening, and awesome to actually "see" and bounce things off those who you see posting here.
I have myself, when I have needed to, stayed in chat or online for over 12hrs at a time. This is a bit much, but when I have, I either needed to or wanted to talk to someone.
What I love, and have never had -- are those who know where I come from, and know why I feel the way I do, not matter what I feel, they understand and DON'T judge me.
Those to me are true friends,
So, I do spend alot of time here, but I would like to give back what I have recieve here, or just be with my friends.
Nice to meet you, nowisee,
Hi Nowisee, Hows it going?
I have at times spent from 9am to 4pm on here,searching through threads, looking up other sites and cross referencing. I have cut down a lot now though and usually only get on for a couple hours. It sure can be addictive though.
I do visit this site almost daily, though ususally for short periods - a post here, a thread or two there. Total time - maybe 1 hour per day.
Big Tex
I pop in and out of here over a 9 hour shift at work
Spot on Brumm. It does appear as if I spend more time here than I really do, but I post only on subjects I'm interested in or have something to say. On the weekend, I usually only pop on whilst having a cup of tea on a Sunday morning. Like now for instance.