I was married for 15 years to a J-dud, she ran off, got DF'd, boyfriend went to jail, she was reinstated, poisoned the J-duds against me and here I am. I won't do that again! Cost me an early retirement and years of grief with my daughter, now 18. Anyone have a thought about the institute of Marriage J-dud style. They talk about how sacred it is and then plant themselves right in the middle of every J-dud's marriage. Maverick
Question on Marriage
by Maverick 5 Replies latest jw friends
Every JDUD marriage is a sham cuz the witnesses don't know how to have a relationship, it is all based on lies and deceit. Now I am looking from the female dud point of view so please "no offense" but I have seen so many "children" get married to someone that they thought they wanted, and when things go wrong, (which of course they are gonna) look out. I have seen these things go both ways, but my bias seems to be that the witnesses generally side with the man, cuz he's usually whining and crying about how he wants to "fix" it and do things the JW way. CROCK. Anyway that is probably what went wrong in your case, since she cheated on you, you probably thought well F*** this and just backed away, so of course that left her with an opening. When the BF went to jail she had no one. Well the DUDS are beter than no one right (NOT!!)
Despite it all, thank your lucky stars you found out who your friends aren't, and run to the nearest wordly friend you have cuz they will always stand by you, no matter what!!
AS IF I'd ever do that again!!
Good luck to you!!
I did just speak recently with a woman who was studying with jws and attending meetings. She married a jw, and before long the abuse started, from what she told me, and she field for a PFA. The elders, she said, sided with her husband and told her to be more submissive, etc. That did not sit well with her.
Oh, and the location where she and I bumped into each other and had our conversation says a lot: She was at the local Courthouse. The marriage was over for all intents and purposes, from what she told me.
Ya see, she looked to them for help and they told her to kiss his ass a bit harder, and that should make it all better. So of course not wanting to do that she went to someone who could really help her(outside the KH), and the message that she sends from her to the lot of them:
maverick, i'm sorry to hear about your wife and the grief it caused you.
it's impossible to have a normal marriage, or any relationship based on trust among jw's because of course we were all trained to shoot someone in the back if the line wasn't toed with god (insert THE SOCIETY).
plus there are the legions of 18-year-old brides and grooms who can't wait to get laid. then one drags the other to the elders for every little slight. or maybe that was just my experience?
I think it is sad that JWs say there are 3 people in a marriage, the couple plus Jehovah. This is a lie!
In reality, there is also the body of elders, their wives, Ministerial Servants plus wives, the PO, CO, DO, BO(ok - I made that one up) and whoever else they include. Too many people for my liking! No wonder, in an organisation that is supposedly different to the world, they have just as many failed marriages as the rest of the world. If JW husbands and wives thought more of their partners than they do of the society and what the elders expect etc, more marriages would succeed.