On the topic of death and grieving, I think the Tower does a disservice to JWs. Witnesses are discouraged from showing genuine grief because it supposably means they don't fully believe the resurrection concept. What a crock! On top of that, the Tower keeps followers in a constant stage of Oz with their "living forever" baloney no JW (or anyone else) will ever experience. Adding insult to injury, the JW funeral is nothing more than a poorly done info-mercial for the Watchtower. The normal grieving process is denied to the sales force of a publishing firm--now that's crazy!
This is a clip from the Obituaries thread posted by Java.
The part that struck me is the use of the term "Sales force of a publishing firm". I think that we all need to start looking at the Society that way and stop even equating them with legitimate, long standing religions of the world.
Even if you don't agree with the Catholics, et al. The Jehovahs Witness organization is nothing but a Publishing Firm with a free Sales force.
What other terms do you use to accurately describe this fraud??
. o O (slipnslidemaster)