For those old enough to remember, the last days of Soviet rule in Eastern Europe were astonishing. You had this unchanging entity that controlled all aspects of people lives for decades. Then came the unraveling. First Glasnost (we are gonna do things differently! tacitly admitting that everything was unsustainable with the current regime). Regardless, the dominoes started falling. Every day was a report from somewhere new:Berlin Wall, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yeltsin. All the meanwhile, leaders-who were soon to be ousted-kept insisting that nothing has changed and nothing will change.
This past week:like the last days of the Iron Curtain
by fr0808 4 Replies latest jw experiences
I don't follow news too much, but the days that the Berlin Wall were getting torn down, I was glued to the news.
I am following this WT upheaval quite a bit too. It's a frenzy! Watch at 2:@:27
The collapse of the old Soviet Union threw a number of JW lifers for a bit of a loop.
There had been nothing in established WT eschatology that accounted for it, and every assumption that the identity of the "King of the North" would remain unchanged.
Looking back, that might have been one of my first little "waitaminute" moments, as a matter of fact.
Vidiot, all I heard was 'jehovah is opening up the USSR so they can receive a witness before the end!!!' -
@ Faye...
That was the offical (public) ''company line''...
...but trust me, that disconcertion was expressed privately.
I heard it, mostly from old-schoolers who'd cut their teeth on Frad Franz's End-Times script and knew it backwards and forwards.