O.k I`ve just been watching the demonstration for the new meeting format & have fell about laughing. Is this some kind of joke. Did anyone find it totally ironic that they are using a mag on HONESTY, honestly are they f...king off their heads. I mean let us read this biblical principle Hebrews 13:18, " we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things".
What the.... I seriously cannot believe the outright cheek after what has been revealed at the ARC. All I can do is laugh at the front they have. They can lie outright to millions of people & then publish a mag about honesty, get the one`s they lie to, to go deliver it to peoples door`s. These men should come with a warning label. God`s chosen one`s, I`m beginning to think they may be the reason he created us with a middle finger.
Please tell me you picked up on this to!