The updated Organized to Do Our Will book is now up. I just skimmed through it very quickly and I think they are more lenient on reporting time now (p. 76):
There are essential activities for which time is not counted, such as getting ready for field service, attending the
meeting for field service, running errands, and so forth. Each publisher must follow his Bible-trained conscience
when prayerfully determining what constitutes a witnessing period. Some publishers preach in densely populated areas, whereas others work territories where there are few inhabitants and considerable travel is required. Territories differ; publishers differ in the way they view their ministry. The Governing Body does not impose its conscience on the worldwide congregation as to how time spent in field service is to be counted, nor has anyone else been appointed to make a judgment in this matter.—Matt. 6:1; 7:1; 1 Tim. 1:5.